Disclaimer: Nothing within this page or on this site overall is the product of Panagiotis Kondylis's thought and work unless it is a faithful translation of something Kondylis wrote. Any conclusions drawn from something not written by Panagiotis Kondylis (in the form of an accurate translation) cannot constitute the basis for any valid judgement or appreciation of Kondylis and his work. (This disclaimer also applies, mutatis mutandis, to any other authors and thinkers linked or otherwise referred to, on and within all of this website).
Now, listen here White Nationalists. Your Time is UP. See, the “Genius” of ZIO-USA mass democracy, whereby the Protestant-Atheist cedes relative proportional Leadership to the ZIO-Satanic-Mammon-Monetising-JOO-Banking-Finance-Corporate Excrement, is that it basically constitutes a BIG ECONOMIC-CULTURAL MIXER-BLENDER-FREAKSHOW-TURBO-CIRCUS-WITH-ZIO-USA-GLOBAL-REACH-MIX-BLEND-MIX-MIX-MIX-BLEND-MIX. So, you get LEGENDS LIKE TITO PUENTE – who the FUCK doesn’t LOVE TITO PUENTE? (maybe you don’t, but most people do (I certainly love the hombre)) – who stick ROME and EGYPT on their drums and have more Chocolate and Black people around them than Whites, and basically that’s the FUTURE. Sex, fun, dancing, music, consumption (whether a little or a lot),... chill, etc.,... until Cannibalism makes a HUGE COMEBACK (barring NUCLEAR WIPE-OUT).
Because what has happened is that YOU have not only lost Mass Racial-Cultural Consciousness, but more importantly YOU have lost that WILL-TO-POWER, the Racial-Cultural DRIVE (including MASS REPRODUCTIVE DRIVE) you once had, and was a part of you conquering almost the whole planet – what goes around comes around – you went out and CONQUERED, and now you’re being CONQUERED = APE TIME... (FEMINO-FAGGOTISATION UNDER CONDITIONS OF ATOMISATION-MASSIFICATION, CONSUMERISTIC HEDONISM AND THE FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMY-MAMMONISATION MEANS THE END OF HISTORICAL COLLECTIVE CONTINUITY). Now, THE WEST IS DEAD AS A SELF-CONTAINED CIVILISATIONAL-CULTURAL MAGNITUDE. All that can remain are aspects of the West, but not in any meaningful Whiteness.
The only CONSOLATION, White Nationalists, is that neither HAN MAN nor HINDU MAN nor APE MAN nor Some Other Man is going to put up with the ZIO-JOO-Excrement (The Cancerous-Parasitical-Flea-Vulture-ZIO-JOO-MAMMON-Cancer) FOREVER, and eventually – one way or another – in one hundred or one thousand years (but probably (much?) closer to the former than the latter)... COLOURED GROUPS will form in Times of Crises (if there’s NO NUCLEAR WIPE-OUT), and they’ll go and PUT ALL SATANIC CIRCUS MONKEY JOO-ANIMALS into the DEEP FREEZE, and then Warm them UP TO "EXTRA HOT", and PUT THEM IN THE BIG STEW-POT, and MAKE ZIO-SOUP WITH JOO-MEAT, and eat it ALL UP, INCLUDING THE BONES, and “humanity” will just be left with APE and perhaps pockets of HAN, HINDU and the COLOURED others.
SO, enjoy the Music and the FEEL... You only live once...
Greatest American Female
Singer of the 20th century by a million billion TRILLION miles...
(= subjective matter of Taste view, but I haven’t changed it in about 40 years!)
Good-Man iz doin hiz Ding... so what? This is being added in memory of Billie...
What kind of a fuckin society produces this? Anyway, I think it can be FUN-NY (in small doses)... whatever rocks your boat...
I hope at least The Italians make it! Death to SATAN!!!