Disclaimer: Nothing within this page or on this site overall is the product of Panagiotis Kondylis's thought and work unless it is a faithful translation of something Kondylis wrote. Any conclusions drawn from something not written by Panagiotis Kondylis (in the form of an accurate translation) cannot constitute the basis for any valid judgement or appreciation of Kondylis and his work. (This disclaimer also applies, mutatis mutandis, to any other authors and thinkers linked or otherwise referred to, on and within all of this website).
Bogie is Bogie, Bergman is absolutely GORGEOUS, the you-know-who people of Hollywood are in form, and Peak Hollywood = Casablanca (1942)... it never got any better... in fact the vast majority of the output since then has been... CRAP (= subjective matter of Taste view)...
There is no (or no on-a-major-scale) proletariat in the West anymore (there hasn’t been for decades). Hence, there is no real, historically anchored to social class “Left”, but rather FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED ZOMBIES AND FREAK-SHOW MASSIFIED-ATOMISED-HEDONISED-FEMINOFAGGOTISED-DRUG-TAKING DEGENERATES with “psychological problems” who the out-of-control power-and-money hungry MANIAC-ZIO-SATANISTS, absolutely PSYCHO-FUCKED-IN-THE-HEAD GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATELY ZIO-"ONE WORLD"-“psychologists and psychiatrists” “psycho-pathologise”, as well as the endless flows of HORRIFIC, (ZIO/USA-)HORROR-OTHERISING "ONE WORLD" “cheap labour” and the concomitant terrorising of local populations with "(ZIO/USA-Banking/Finance/Coroporate/SATAN-DEVIL-EVIL-)ONE WORLD" APE ANOMIE so that that the Satanists and their cock-sucking friends can ZIO-Mammonise and Atomise/Massify-PSYCHO-ZIO-LOBOTOMISE Everything and Break Up all Remaining Western Historical Collectivities whilst the ZIO-SATAN-HATRED-Satanic Circus Monkey Compound and Bunker is not to be a "ONE WORLD" “Open Society”, but all of the West is supposed to genocide itself out of existence, because the Satanic Circus Monkey and "ONE WORLD" ZIO-USA (and associated Freak Show FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED ZOMBIES) say so... ("ONE WORLD" ZIO-USA-Imperialistic SATANIC-HATE-AND-HORROR: Jew Jork Jimes, Jashinton Jost, The Judian, JNN, Joollywood, etc., etc., etc.). Excellent stuff. Well done. Paul Robeson might “always” remain a LEGEND, but once the "ONE WORLD" APE JUNGLE fully arrives, there’ll be nobody left to appreciate how GREAT he was. THIS SITE LOVES PAUL ROBESON 100%. It’s definitely not his fault if The West "ONE WORLD" ZIO/USA-BRAIN-WASHED and ZIO-JUDAS-JOO-SATANIC-PSYCHO-HORROR-MAMMONISED-OTHERISED itself out of existence...
Σσσσσ.... ἄν τὸ μάθῃ ἡ κυρ’ Ἀγγέλω, πέθανα! Καὶ μόνο τὸ τραγοῦδι ἀκούω, καὶ πάντα κάθομαι ἤσυχα στὸ κονᾶκι μας, καὶ πάλι βρίσκω τὸν μπελά μου.... γεράματα μὲ παντούφλα και κουτάλα.... χὶχὶχὶχὶχί...
Ἡ συνολικὴ ἀξία τοῦ Μίκη – καὶ ὅλων τῶν Μεγάλων – ποτὲς θίγεται εἰς βαθμὸν μέγαν ἀπὸ ἀντιφατικὲς ἤ ἀσυνεπεῖς κινήσεις καὶ πράξεις. Ποῖος εἶναι ἀπολύτως συνεπὴς καὶ δὲν «φάσκει καὶ ἀντιφάσκει»
(ὅπως τὸ ἔλεγε ὁ πατέρας μου γι’ ἄλλους
ὅταν τὸ ἔπραττε ὁ ἴδιος. Προσθέτω: εὐκόλως ἀναγνωρίζουμε τὸ «φάσκειν καὶ ἀντιφάσκειν»
τῶν ἄλλων, καὶ σπανίως ἤ καθόλου τὸ δικό μας τὸ «φάσκειν καὶ ἀντιφάσκειν»)
κατὰ καιροὺς στὴ ζωή του; Ξεύρω ἕν πρᾶγμα ὅμως. Ὅτι ἀπὸ τὸν Ἐγγονόπουλο καὶ τὴν Μαλβίνα σπανίως βρίσκει κάποιος ὡραιώτερους Ἕλληνες, καὶ ἄς μὴν εἶχαν καταγωγὴ ἀπολύτως «καθαράν».