Μάριου Βατζιᾶ, «Ἡ παρουσία τοῦ ἥρωα», 1976, λᾶδι.
Ἐδῶ τὰ πράγματα περιπλέκονται, ἐδῶ τὰ πράγματα γίνονται δυσκολώτερα (ἤ: Διατὶ ὁ Χαλκοκονδύλης ὁ Νεώτερος μόνον ἐγκωμίασε τὸν Βενιζέλον ὡς Ἡγέτην Ἰκανὸν τοῦ νεοἑλληνικοῦ κρατιδίου) (ἤ: Καλὰ καὶ Ἀναγκαῖα τὰ Συνθήματα καὶ τὰ Ἰδεολογήματα, ἀλλὰ ἡ Πραγματικότης ΠΑΝΤΑ ἔχει καὶ λέγει τὴν κουβέντα τὴν τελευταία) (ἤ: Κανένα ἄτομο, καμμία συλλογικότης, εἰς τὸ Τέλος τῆς Ἡμέρας καὶ Ἐν Ἀναλύσει Τελικῇ, ΖΕΙ μόνο του, μόνη της).
Ἐδῶ τὰ πράγματα περιπλέκονται, ἐδῶ τὰ πράγματα γίνονται δυσκολώτερα. Ὅλοι μας σώας τὰς φρένας θέλουμε καὶ προτιμοῦμεν τὴν ἱστορικὴν ἐπαφὴν τοῦ ἑλληνισμοῦ μὲ τὴν δημοκρατίαν καὶ μὲ τὴν ἰσότηταν, ἔστω καὶ ὡς συνθήματα, διότι ξεύρουμεν ὅτι εἰς τὸν πραγματικὸν Κόσμον, ὁ Κόσμος ΔΕΝ λειτουργεῖ ἀκριβῶς ὅπως μᾶς λένε ὅτι λειτουργεῖ τὰ Συνθήματα, διότι ἄν λειτουργοῦσε ἔτσι, τότες δὲν θὰ ὑπῆρχε ἐμπειρικῶς διαπιστώσιμος τε καὶ διαπιστωμένη διαφορὰ μεταξὺ Πραγματικότητος καὶ Ἰδεολογίας. Ἀλλά, ἴσως περισσότερο ἀνησυχητικὸ εἶναι τὸ γεγονὸς ὅτι ἄν μία ὁμὰς ἀνθρώπων ἤ ἕν ἀνθρώπινον ὄν, δὲν εἶναι ῥωμαλέο καὶ ἰκανὸ καὶ δυνατὸ ἀρκετὰ τε καὶ ἐπαρκούντως διὰ τὴν ἐπέκτασιν τῆς ἰδίας ἰσχύος θὰ δυσκολευτῇ νὰ Ἐπιβιώσῃ καὶ ἴσως λίαν συντόμως δύναται καὶ νὰ Ἀποθάνῃ κάπως ἤ πολὺ Προώρως. Καὶ αὐτὸ τὸ κομμᾶτι τῆς Πραγματικότητος δὲν κάθεται καλῶς μὲ τὸν Πόθο καὶ τὸ Σύνθημα τῆς Δημοκρατίας καὶ τῆς Ἰσότητος, ἀκόμα καὶ τῆς Ἐλευθερίας. ΔΕΝ ὑπάρχει λῦσις. ΠΑΝΤΑ θὰ μείνῃ ἄλυτο τὸ θέμα. Ἄς τὸ θέσω τοιουτοτρόπως. Ὑπάρχουν Γόρδιοι Δεσμοί, οἵ πρέπει νὰ Κόπτονται.
Ἦ τοι Ἦτοι (Ἤτοι), Προτιμῶ τὸν Ῥήγα καὶ τὸν Καποδίστρια, ἀλλὰ ἄν πρέπει νὰ Κάμνω σὰν τὸν Βενιζέλον ἵνα Ἐπιβιώσω θὰ Κάμνω σὰν τὸν Βενιζέλον Ἐλευθέριον, τὸν Κρητικὸν καὶ Μεταγλωττίσαντα τοῦ Θουκυδίδου. [[Μὲ ἄλλα λόγια, οἱ πολιτικοὶ καὶ πολιτευόμενοι - εἴτε ἐθνοπατριῶται, εἴτε ἐθνομηδενισταὶ ἤ καὶ χαζοχαρούμενα (οἰκτρὰ) ἐργαλεῖα ξένων συμφερόντων - συνθηματολογοῦν καὶ κάμνουν αὐτὰ ποὺ κάμνουν σχεδὸν ἀναποφεύκτως εἰς τουλάχιστον μερική, ἄν ὄχι πλήρη, ἀντιδιαστολὴ μὲ τὰ συνθήματα (ἀφοῦ θὰ παίξῃ ῥόλο γληγορώτερα ἤ μᾶλλον σίγουρα ἀργώτερα, ἡ ἑτερογονία τῶν σκοπῶν), καὶ οἱ ἐπιστήμονες καταπιάνονται μὲ τὴν Πραγματικότηταν, ἥ εἶναι μὴ συμβατὴ εἰς ὅλο τὸ πλᾶτος, εὔρος, φᾶρδος, βᾶθος, ὕψος, ὄγκον τῆς μὲ ὅλα τὰ συνθήματα ἀσχέτως συνθηματο-ἐκτοξεύσεως.]]
LOOK, I could be wrong, I could be very wrong, because I haven't done the research
There are ways and ways of putting THINGS (Or: Marx's Entlastung was Das Kapital, mine as a Crazed Loony Literary Persona of Satire and Mirth is Verbally Whipping the Satanic Circus Monkey Out of Existence in my MIND).
There are ways and ways of putting THINGS, and all I'll say to anyone out there - even if it is only to one eighth of one quarter of one half of one person, DON'T do it my way, USE YOUR BRAIN, do it subtly, gently, pointedly and accurately - USE OTHER WORDS (once you use certain words, you literally CAN'T go back) - I told you from the very beginning, because 99% of P.K.'s writings are LITERALLY (NEAR-)PERFECT EXAMPLES OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, UNIQUE IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, AND HUMANKIND TOO, I had to protect them from The Interpreters, and we all know who the MOST KEEN Commentators, "Experts" and Interpreters are in the "Anglo-Franco" World. If you're a Marxist - DON'T BOTHER - reading Das Kapital. I had it all - all 6 volumes incl. the Theories of Surplus Value - in my library for about 3 decades (I never fully COVER-TO-COVER read it, and recently, I threw it out - I have too many books as it is) - not because I don't still love good ol' Karl (I still do!), but because "I can't take it with me", it's online anyway for gratis - or rather, for no extra charge - and there are other reasons why Karl is worth more than nearly anyone and everyone can IMAGINE.
In a normal world
In a normal world you wouldn't have to say "He's had the FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMY", you'd just say: "He's had the FULL-SPECTRUM", and those running things would just leave him be just as we leave him be, whilst we make sure that nearly everyone else partakes in normal thinking.
That's why they have their Kosher, and we have our Mode (or: Toxic Feminism is no less Toxic than Toxic Faggotism or Toxic Mohammedanism or Toxic Negro-Worship or Toxic FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-Lobotomisation) (or: If the Han don't get you, and if Hindu Man Keeps Floating Away, APE-MAN is definitely not going to spare you, and he doesn't need me to tell him where the MEAT is).
That's why they have their Kosher, and we have our Mode, so they can identify what is unsanitary and we can identify what is filthy, human excrement and the Poison of SATAN.
Look, Fruit-Loop, someone can be a relatively good historian and or analyst (or: Mouthpieces are bought with MONEY, or, they are enlisted under pain of NULLITY or even DEATH)
Look, Fruit-Loop, someone can be a relatively good historian and or analyst without even mentioning SATAN's progeny even once, let alone twice or thrice. He may not be a complete or all-time GREAT historian or analyst (though, then again, he might be), but he will still be much or even infinitely better than your average FUCKED-IN-THE-HEAD ZIO-LOBOTOMISED-MOUTHPIECE if he sticks to FACTS and takes all relevant FACTS into consideration, and weighs them all up at least kind of sort of accurately, most of the time, mostly.
If you tell me that your reasons are tactical and or strategic
If you tell me that your reasons are tactical and or strategic, then I shall understand you and even admire you, if you can show me that your tactics and or strategy are gaining at least something substantial and long-lasting for you TOO, and not just for the Followers of SATAN.
I didn't know Derrida was a Jew, and now that I know (or: Apparently Ju???h B??ler is a Jew TOO, but that is even less Relevant than Derrida being a Jew, because she is more Irrelevant than him, and he - in the History of Ideas - as far as P.K. and I are concerned, is Absolutely Irrelevant, apart for being Popular with people of "High Intelligence" and "Sound Academic Credentials") (or: At least the Egghead Degenerate wasn't a Jew - and not only that - he was OK sort of -ish... up to a Point).
I didn't know Derrida was a Jew, and now that I know, I can't really say anything, because his status in my eyes does not change. Absolutely Silly to Downright Ridiculous Beforehand, Absolutely Silly to Downright Ridiculous Now - a bit like The Three Stooges and The Marx Brothers and Jack Benny and Mel Brooks all rolled into One (but without the laughter, or even ever being even slightly funny, but entirely and completely ensconced in Obfuscatory Jew-ball Gibberish, made famous as a "serious thinker" in ZIO-USA by ... - guess!!!). Anyone who (implicitly) claims (or vicariously via his Followers) you can De-Construct Everything, but only De-Constructs White Christian and or White Secular Tradition and Civilisation (manifestations thereof), and does not De-Construct ZIO-SEMITES (JEWS) (their FILTH (as a Subjective Matter of TASTE) and GROSSLY DISPROROPORTIONATE accumulations, concentrations and crystal(lisation)s of forms of Power (par exemple and for example)), FEMINOFAGGOTS, NEGROES, MUSLIMS and all the Other Others, is not much better than a Man Standing on the Corner Preaching Equality whilst living in a Mansion in the most expensive Suburb, Owning and Driving New Luxury Cars, and going on lots of Exotic Holidays, Having Been through every Continent all over the Planet on many occasions, without Having his Head De-Tached.
It's simply wrong to say that Marx and Freud did the Major Damage, or that e.g. Diogenes is responsible for contemporary "Cosmopolitanism" (or: just because you've "worked it out" in your Head, it doesn't mean it'll even come close to being effected in Reality)
It's simply wrong to say that Marx and Freud did the major Damage or that e.g. Diogenes is responsible for contemporary "Cosmopolitanism", because in regard to macro-historical social-cultural processes, reductionism is more often than not, if not always, WRONG. The factors and forces always at play are always anthropological and social-ontological (The Social Relation, The Friend-Foe spectrum, Identity-Power, Meaning and Understanding and False Consciousness/Ideology, The Drive of Self-Preservation, The Extension of one's own Power, Inter-Relations, Inter-Actions, Groups, Individuals, Co-operation and (potential) Conflict up to Violence and War, The Political and Politics, Social Order and Social Cohesion, Social Disciplining, Man's concrete relationship with Nature at a given Historical Time, etc., etc., etc.), and simultaneously, sociological and historical, inclusive of the former anthropological and social-ontological forces and factors, and inclusive of: the political and politics concretely and specifically, and concretely and specifically as well: the economy, technology, myths, ideologem(e)s, ideologies, the history of ideas, religions, cultural practices, customs, traditions, laws, various kinds of inter-relations and inter-actions between people in (regard to) groups as individuals in (regard to) groups, etc., etc., etc. - so that there is no a priori hierarchy or order re: the sociological/ historical factors, which must be analysed overall on a case-by-case basis according to the circumstances and the situation. Blaming thinkers in history, whose thought in turn is always re-interpreted, misinterpreted and or otherwise altered, for being used as weapons in social-political-ideological struggles, is a sign of sloppy thinking, a sign of a simple mind, a sign of a mind which cannot accept that his, her or its desired Utopia DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A SNOWFLAKE'S CHANCE IN HELL OF EVER COMING TO PASS - let alone SECURING ITS EXISTENCE IN PERPETUITY - a sure sign that "the knower" is just like nearly all other "knowers" of human affairs - incapable of absolutely consistent SCIENCE, incapable of Scientific Observation, yet more than capable and ready for the polemical struggles which are a part, or can be a part of, what will determine how the various forms of Power will continue to be, and or are, distributed, to whom and to what extent.
I've read this a number of times, and it seems to me to be quite STUPID
I've read this a number of times, and it seems to me to be quite STUPID, because most Professors and Experienced Commentators probably need their Heads Examined, or they are Deliberately Engaged in Keeping the Troops Confident. What this "this" is, is this: that China is a bit sort of kind of like Japan in the 1980s. Let's get real. Both in terms of absolute and relative numbers Population-Wise and Economic-Wise and Military-Wise and Global-Reach-Wise, 1987 Japan is nothing compared to 2047 China, if China keeps on keeping on and does not Fuck it UP. This does not mean that China WINS. By no means does it or could it ever necessarily mean that; it could just mean that China will get to a point where it's STRONG enough that in certain areas of the Planet, it not only cannot be Bullied, but it will be able to do more Bullying. And if the CCP keeps steaming its DIM SUM-DIM SIMS and keeps Having its YUM-CHA and doing all it does in the Big WOK of Sinic Civilisation and History, i.e. if the Inheritors of Comrade MAO (MAO, MAO, MAO) and Comrade DENG (DENG, DENG, DENG) keep their SHIT TOGETHER, and RETAIN FIRM STATE CONTROL, and if the Leadership gets a bit inclined to lean on the Side of THE GREAT BALLS OF FIRE AND THE BIG "FUCK YOU!!!", then I do not see that things are going to be any good - though I could be wrong, because the Future can never be Predicted with Precision, and Certainly not with Certainty.
You Filthy, Disgusting, Revolting ANIMALS, You Fucking ZIO-GLOBALISTS, You fucking ZIO-SATANISTS, You fucking Protestant and Catholic and Atheist and ZIO- Globalists FROM HELL (or: it's best that the Cooler Heads prevail, and there eventuates a Blocpolitik or Equilibrium of sorts) (or: Eventually the Satanic Circus Monkey is going to run out of... Bananas)
You Filthy, Disgusting, Revolting ANIMALS, You Fucking ZIO-GLOBALISTS, You fucking ZIO-SATANISTS, just because you've been winning for a few decades, it does not - it cannot - it will not - FOLLOW you are going to win forever. Because in the world there are MEN. AND THE MEN - Han Men and or Hindu Men and or APE MEN and or Rus Men (GO, ORTHODOX BROTHERS! - If you are good enough, and I have my doubts that you are good enough), and or Other MEN, are going to DEAL WITH YOU, because you need more than a good Spanking for all the HATE you've spread, for all the lives you've "helped" Uproot, for all the Misery and Dislocation, for all the HORROR and HATE of the OTHER, and for all the ZIO-OTHER HATE of and from and in HELL.
We've said this "a million" times, but let's say it one more time (or: The Absolutely Consistent Scientific Observer is either going to be Sidelined (Ignored), Exiled, Thrown into the FIRE, De-Capitated, Ridiculed through Dis-Mis-Information, or simply Left Alone to DIE (the last option is best for me and suits me fine))
We've said this "a million" times, but let's say it one more time, that it is in the "nature" of Absolutely Consistent Scientific Observation (Science) as non-normative "value/axiological-free" absolutely formal-logically consistent observation "saved by the phenomena" (all relevant facts) and through the use of epistemologically and cognitively necessary abstractions (it can't be done any other way), and based on the "value" or "ascetic stance" of doing the Scientific Observation in the first place, just e.g. to give "Everyone", i.e. two or three people probably at most, the SHITS, that no Dominant Regime, Dominant Ideology, Dominant Relations of Power would ever put such Scientific Observation Fully or even Partially in the Spotlight - whether GOD is in charge (in the Year 699 A.D. when I was born) or whether in charge GROSSLY (HIGHLY AND VASTLY) DISPROPORTIONATELY (through historical Primitive Secret Society Networking etc.) in charge are the ZIO-SATANISTS, the SATANIC CIRCUS MONKEY and its ZIO-PROTESTANT-PAPIST-ATHEIST PEOPLE, ZIO-USA, in short, the Manifestations of SATAN.
Look, I don't know what exactly is happening but I suspect (or: I could be the bearer of prophetic words, but I won't know because I'll be DEAD before any of my "prophesies" are TESTED) (or: By the Way, Why doesn't ISRAEL open FULLY its BORDERS to SIX (6) million Intelligent and Beautiful Black Africans, Mohammedans and other Others in order to be Die-Versified in Multi-Cultural Bliss?)
Look, I don't know what exactly is happening but I suspect that ZIO-USA has planned for a powerful ZIO-USA-Israel to command as much as possible the Mediterranean and the Balkans, Shutting out Russia and Minimising Orthodoxy, under the HATE of the FEMINO-FAGGOTISED ZIO-OTHER, which they call "human rights" by means of whose ideological cover, the SICK FUCKED-IN-THE-HEAD "right to be a SICK and FILTHY AIDS carrier" engaging in SICK PROMISCUOUS ZIO-USA-SEX is meant to "be better" (this SICK ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION is what happens when you not only believe in the Frankfurt School ZIO-JEWS, but "Enable, Facilitate and Celebrate" the ZIO-JEW-Frankfurters in practice on a mass scale by Massifying and Atomising and Secularising-Sensorialising-De-Spiritualising and Urbanising and Feminising(-Faggotising) your Society into Narcissistic Pieces of SHIT potentially "welcoming the HATE of the OTHER as LOVE" well before the ZIO-SATANISTS arrived on the Scene in Significant Doses of Possession of Power), than people having Man-Woman lifelong Healthy Monogamous Relationships with 2-8 children, for instance, defending Hearth and Home, Fatherland and Religion, Identity and Culture. BUT this is the way of SATAN, and ZIO-USA and the ZIO-SATANISTS - Use the FemTard, Use the BlackMan, Use the MusalMan, Use the FagMan, Use whatever, to Divide and Conquer - along with their PROTESTANT-CATHOLIC-ATHEIST arse-licker and ZIO-TARD CO-SATANISTS, who want to destroy what is left of the Western world through their INSANITY, because they Worship EVIL and the DEVIL, and always have SATAN in mind on the mind going MAD around the BEND, never GOD.
I'm sorry to say, but in my view it's already too late (or: Time has already Run OUT) (or: The Clock) (or: Now it's the Hour of the APE)
I'm sorry to say, but in my view it's already too late, though I can understand that you will FIGHT ON, you will do YOUR BEST, you will try and Inspire and Marshal the TROOPS, you will do ALL YOU CAN, but I'm sorry to say, it's already one minute past Midnight, and SATAN struck twelve.
Let's agree at the Level of Ideology, Capitalism and Communism, with their Grossly Disproportionate ZIO-input, represent the Forces of SATAN, or in your words, the Forces of EVIL anti-White civilisation (and don't forget: the Insane Satiric Literary Persona of this Site is NOT a Scientific Observer, but even though he uses and or by using "Wrong Words", still gets a lot, sometimes nearly everything, RIGHT)
Let's agree at the Level of Ideology, Capitalism and Communism, with their Grossly Disproportionate ZIO-input, represent the Forces of SATAN, or in your words, the Forces of EVIL anti-White civilisation. All of that though, is Neither HERE nor THERE. Capitalism has taken on many forms in many manifestations since the Days of its "proto-" and or mercantilistic versions going back many centuries (including allowing Whites from Europe especially, to conquer much of the world), and Communism in practice has more often than not - as a matter of Praxis - been a force of anti-colonial, anti-imperialistic national liberation, and strong, dictatorial, cruel, drenched-in-blood NATIONALISM. SO, if you're into Polemics, and want to play the Right vs. Left and or the Whites vs. the Rest game, fair enough - I understand you - but historically and scientifically things are far more complicated, differentiated and beyond trying to Play in The Political, beyond trying to Play Politics, and beyond the Words and Phrasing of Satan's Representatives, Satan's Spokesmen-Spokeswomen, and Satan's ZIO-SatanBOOK ZIO-BUTT-HOLES and associated assorted ZIO-LOBOTOMISING ZIO-SATANIC-ZIO-GLOBALIST-PROTESTANT-CATHOLIC-ETC. ZIO-EXCREMENT AND ZIO-FILTH. [[And I don't exactly see Fascism - which is a Cousin of Both Capitalism and Communism, because they are all related,... with Capitalism existing Beforehand under pre-mass-democratic conditions of oligarchic bourgeois liberalism and even during the late stages of Societas Civilis/Feudalism - exactly making a comeback in the Il Duce sense, though there are possibilities of Authoritarian Versions of Western mass-democracy emerging either e.g. on a ZIO-multi-cultural-feminofaggotised basis, or on a a more Law-and-Order-Respect-some-Tradition-and-Normalcy basis, or ... ???]]
I don't care who, what, why, how, when you are and or identify with
I don't care who, what, why, how, when you are and or identify with, I don't care about your Race (mix), your Sex, your nationality, your ethnos, your colour(s), your ideology, your religion, your creed(s), your belief(s), your background(s), your political programme, who and what you Fuck if you Fuck or not or whatever... if there is something in P.K. useful to you, use it; just don't refer to where you got the idea from. After all, we're all Human Beings, and P.K. was a human being like no other, so we all benefit - at least as far as attempts at approaching theory as scientific explanation goes (and for as long as you don't "dive in too deep" and lose your mind)
It's amazing how a common Foe (can) focus(es) the Minds of
It's amazing how a common Foe (can) focus(es) the Minds of the great bulk of e.g. tens of millions, helping to produce relatively high levels of social order and social cohesion (1950s USA in anti-communistic / anti-Soviet "hysteria"; cf. on a much smaller scale, Greeks against Trojans/against Persians/against Mohammedans and against the ZIO-Satanists et al.). Of course, there will always be the Traitors (unfortunately for my Team/Tribe, we tend to produce much more than our Fair Share of Traitors, and have done so throughout all of our History - even when we were GREAT). SO, that's really amazing... because if Western mass democracies don't work out who the Common Foe is SOON, then I don't like the look of what is going to happen long-term on a multi-racial, multi-cultural ZIO-LOBOTOMISED basis. (Why does not ISRAEL open up its borders FULLY to SIX (6) million Highly Intelligent and Exceedingly Beautiful (Really Good-Looking) Black Africans of Various Black Hues and or Mohammedans of Various Brown Complexions in order to be DIE-VERSIFIED and ENRICHED by a Wonderful Multi-Cultural Experience as ZIO-SATANISTS prescribe all-round for everyone and everybody - but strangely - except for themselves in ISRAEL. I wonder why? I wonder why the Genocides of my People can be Examined and Scrutinised, and not the Genocides of the Satanic Circus Monkey People. I wonder why. Why? Is Simon in Power perhaps? Does SIMON SAY? Mmmm........ DO I NEED TO PUT MY HANDS ON MY HEAD, BECAUSE COMPLEX HIGH-VERBAL-IQ SIMON SAYS? THE SIMON WHO - INTER ALIA THROUGH PRIMITIVE SECRET SOCIETY NETWORKING WITH A FAIRLY LONG HISTORY, AND, ON A GROSSLY (HIGHLY, VASTLY, VERY) DISPROPORTIONATE BASIS, AND, ALONG WITH HIS PROTESTANT/CATHOLIC/ SECULAR/ATHEIST COCK-SUCKER ZIO-TARD MONKEYS - PRINTS THE MONEY AND FINANCES PROJECTS, TELLS ME THE "NEWS", GIVES ME "ENTERTAINMENT", DECIDES ON MY "MEDICINES" AND MY "FATE" IN COURT, GUIDES MY "THINKING" IN UNIVERSITIES, CHOOSES WHAT BOOKS MY CHILDREN SHOULD READ IN SCHOOL AND WHAT FILMS TO WATCH INCL. ABOUT A PARTICULAR GROUP OF ABSOLUTE ZIO-FILTH WHEN MORE THAN 200 MILLION INNOCENTS WERE KILLED, SLAUGHTERED OR OTHERWISE DIED IN THE 2OTH CENTURY WHO "JUST HAPPENED" TO NOT BE ZIO, EVEN THOUGH THE ZIO ARE ENTITLED AND DO (SECRETLY) VIEW THEM AS FILTH, ETC.,... AND WHO KNOWS "WHAT'S BEST" - INCL. IN REGARD TO FOREIGN POLICY AND EVERYTHING ELSE THEY CAN GET THEIR FILTHY CLAWS ON - AS IT "JUST HAPPENS" - FOR ME, MY GROUP, WOMEN, MEN, CHILDREN, AND ALL OF HUMANITY. Mmmm...... And then they are surprised when they are almost UNIVERSALLY DESPISED - THE ABSOLUTELY FILTHY PARASITICAL FLEA-VULTURE ANIMALS OF THE TOTALLY FUCKED-IN-THE-HEAD FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED, ZIO-CANCER. THE MOST FILTHY, DISGUSTING MANIFESTATIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS EVER KNOWN IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANKIND, AND MANKIND TOO. THEIR TURN WILL COME. THEIR TURN IS COMING. THE MEN ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH THEM. AND IT WON'T BE FEMINO-FAGGOTISED WHITE MEN/PANSIES/FAGGOTS/POOFTERS. IT WILL BE YELLOW AND OR BROWN AND OR BLACK MEN AND OR OTHER MIXED MEN AND OR APE MEN. REAL MEN. THE MEN.
LOOK, I wish all individuals who have been nice to me
LOOK, I wish all individuals who have been nice to me, no matter who they are, the best of luck, and hope that I was sufficiently nice to them in return, BUT, Group Facts are Group Facts, i.e. Social Facts, and if we're going to talk about or at least refer to Empirical Reality, it's your Right and Choice not to see "certain things", but P.K. saw everything, and I as P.K.'s Sancho Panza am CRAZY ENOUGH to say everything without FEAR or FAVOUR - though I'll always add: Everyone must obey the LAW and abide by the LAW at all times, whether the LAW is to their liking, taste, or NOT, and regardless of whether they view my God as SATAN and me as ULTRA-UGLY, and irrespective of the fact that their God will always be SATAN to me, and they will always be the Ugliest of the most Ugly.
Don't forget, you might - now that you still have the advantage - actually get in first and
Don't forget, you might - now that you still have the advantage - actually get in first and do your Foe some serious Damage, and set Him Back for a fairly long time. But nations with Long Historical Memories and a Will to Live (not mine anymore) BEAR GRUDGES, and the Revanche will be Merciless, because it will be to the Avenger most Precious, particularly after many decades, even centuries of being Left Behind, and having to Catch UP.
If I were an American and I could see what was and is Coming (or: the Worry of the Man in Charge) (or: The King's (Emperor's) Worries)
If I were an American and I could see what was and is Coming, and I could see that other States are going to Have (Increasingly) a (part-)Planetary - their (part-)Planetary - Say, then why would I want to Rock the Domestic Boat? I'd Hope that Things would and will sort themselves out, at Home, because Away from Home, Things are going to get Very Tricky (to say the least). But something is Wrong also at Home (I can feel it, I have a Hunch), and that - if I Turn my Mind to it - makes me even more (very) Worried.
It's this Simple
It's this Simple. All (more complex) societies have Elites (Cliques, Gangsters, Oligarchs, Aristocracies, Priests,...) and ((grossly, vastly, highly) varying) elements of Equality within the various levels of the (more Steep-Steeper-Very Steep, or, Flatter-more-Leveled-Very-but-still-not-fully-Flat etc.) Hierarchies... so all that matters - ULTIMATELY - is that My People has Our Territory, Our Culture (with all its admixtures) and Our Elites are Our People and not FILTHY FRANKISH AND OR NORMAN AND OR TEUTONIC-HUN-KRAUT AND OR ANGLO AND OR MOHAMMEDAN AND OR PROTESTANT AND OR CATHOLIC AND OR ZIO - as the case may be - VERMIN.
In a nutshell it's probably the case (though, of course, I could be VERY WRONG - or only partly RIGHT - or ... SIMPLY CRAZY)
In a nutshell, it's probably the case that the Industrial Revolution and its World-Wide Spread-ING not only killed off (sooner rather than later) the final chance for what Remained of Democracy (as polity and as non-mass society) in the Hellenic-Roman world, but that it Condemned the White Race and White Sub-Races/Ethne to Extinction, because what Spreads All OVER and Spreads THIN the more we move away from the Metropolis is Easier to Break when Yellow, Brown, Black and or otherwise Mixed Man Wakes UP and Smashes the Weak Points in the CHAIN,... and the "High-IQ" "Very Smart" ZIO-Satanists with their ZIO-USA-Protestant/Catholic/Atheist/Leech-Brothers-Sisters-and-assorted-Degenerate-Corporate-types helped ensure that the Collapse would come about Much Quicker than what it would have otherwise Come About By Basically Doing what Hitler DID (Over-Reaching), but this time including by transferring PRODUCTION (and technology, technological know-HOW) to where especially those in YELLOW - and working very HARD - had caught the Dominant White Face counting a lot of money and or partying very HARD indifferent to Colour. Sleeping
Let's have some FUN (Imaginary Political-Constitutional Programme for Western Mass Democracies) - this is only intended for the purposes of FUN, and not as an actual political-ideological programme:
50% or 70% All-four-grandparents-and-both-parents-European-White-Racial Baseline (as the case may be) under which no Western Mass Democracy may Fall.
70% to 90%+ All-four-grandparents-and-both-parents-European-White-Racial Baseline to which all Western societies should aspire if they are not at those levels of whiteness.
Constitutional Priority for Christianity and European Paganism (with other religions to be kept Strictly Restricted and Low-Key), as well for products of European Cultures (e.g. European Folk and High cultures to be promoted far more heavily than Negro Rap and Hip Hop, Negro-Jewish (Box-like and or "primitive") architecture, etc.). Very limited/restricted multi-culturalism for those who won't assimilate and are not in the category of violent terrorists and other trouble-makers etc. to be Expelled FORTHWITH. (Mass Media/Mass Audience Expressions of and or actual) ZIO and or Mohammedan and or Negro and or Homo and or Feminist Supremacism to be FULLY BANNED.
No ethnic and or religious groups can have more than twice the number of people of their group in elite positions as compared to the percentage of the population this group represents, e.g. Jews in many countries cannot be more than 1% or 4% as the case may be of Mass Media and Mass Entertainment Personalities, Judges, Specialist Medical Practitioners, Lawyers, Government Policy Advisers, Politicians, University Professors, etc., etc., etc.. (there should probably be an exception re: Banking and Finance and Corporations because of historical reasons, but that should be addressed within a few decades...).
Full Freedom of Speech (apart from Defamation, Paedophilia, Bestiality, etc.) and Full Freedom of Association with the Abolition of all programmes of Affirmative Action.
White Baby Birthing Programmes and Traditional Christian Patriarchal Monogamous Family Encouragement with Divorces granted only in cases of ongoing (obviously physical) Violence/Abuse. Men who are persistently violent to their partners are to be Severely PUNISHED.
Homosexuality and other Deviant Behaviour to be a Private Matter Only and Prohibited from Entering the Public Domain (under these circumstances, violence against homosexuals etc. shall be severely punished).
People should be Encouraged to always be polite to one another and not unnecessarily cruel when expressing views on Race, Culture, Sex, Religion, etc..
All Crimes (e.g. re: unjustified criminal Violence, Burglaries, Graffiti, Public Nuisance, Fraud, etc.) to be Consistently and Strictly (Severely) PUNISHED.
Borders to be STRICTLY CONTROLLED at all times (only lawful tourism and business (with very limited legal migration) to be allowed), and the State should also aim for Quality Universal Education, Housing, Employment and Health/Geriatric-Care, in line with White-European Customs, Traditions and Collective Identities.
Encouragement of co-operation rather than conflict with other White-European-based countries given the world demographic situation, with Israel to be treated like any other Foreign Country, but keeping in mind that the Holy Lands are within it, in accordance with White-European Ethnic Interests.
ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION to be studied by real social scientists, and more importantly, A FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION BAN will be enforced in practice.
[[And then watch Social Cohesion and Social Order Levels positively SKY-ROCKET (and narcissistic depression levels PLUMMET)!!!]]
Put it this way: (or: The Chains of Auto-Genocide Under the Regime of Full-Spectrum ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION)
Put it this way: a society which provides access to the Consumption of Chocolate not just to Aristocrats and the Upper Bourgeoisie but to Everyman incl. the Poorest of the Poor, is going to be FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED into giving way to the Other, to the Darker, to the Black, under the Spell and Intoxication of the Denial of One's Self as the Connecting Link in a relatively White Ancestral-Ethnological Chain, whilst ISRAEL gets to have FULLY SEALED BORDERS and a kind of sort of race-ethnological-religious-based FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-ORIENTATION of its ZIO-STATE SELF. The Han have been watching and know. The Hindu People are Floating Somewhere, but are Around and Thereabouts, and the Ape is getting himself ready to wreak as much Havoc as the Jungle will permit, allow, and submit to
Look, I'm not as Stupid as I Look (or: Even if you (vehemently) disagree (vehemently)) (or: I'd never want to become "Known", let alone "Famous", in this SICK ZIO-FUCKED-UP WORLD. I'm already Famous because Homer is Famous, I'm already Recognised because still in existence is my Church (Ecclesia, Ekklesia). DEATH TO SATAN!!!)
Look, I'm not as Stupid as I Look, and no matter how Filthy I think you are, and no matter how Filthy you think I am, and no matter how Ultra-Ugly I think you are, and no matter how Ultra-Ugly you think I am, and no matter how Disgusted I am by you, and no matter how Disgusted you are by me, and no matter where I send my Love and Hate, and no matter where you send your Love and Hate, and no matter what My Values and My Anti-Values are, and no matter what Your Values and Your Anti-Values are, and,... notwithstanding that I only talk to MY WOMAN and MY FELLOW-TRIBAL-MEMBER WARRIORS with similar outlooks on life as me,... I KNOW WHAT THE CORRELATION OF FORCES IS, I KNOW ROUGHLY HOW THE FORMS OF POWER ARE DISTRIBUTED, AND I KNOW THAT IN THIS EPOCH, THIS ERA, THIS AGE, THESE TIMES, I AM NOT IN COMMAND, so all I can do is provoke you until you kill me or until you "set me up" or until I have "an accident" or until I die like a normal person or until you erase me [[you're definitely not going to be able to co-opt me into your analytical-combinatory thought-figure/schema - I'm - apart from being Moe Stooge - a Donkey, EE-AW, EE-AW, EE-AW, from about c. 699 A.D., Hellenic Eastern Rome in the Year and in the Age of GOD (DEATH TO SATAN!!!) - and don't you forget that!]], and all I can do is hope My Tribe gets the best possible deal (though it seems to me that we have already dug our grave already), and I suggest to you, there's a lot to learn from P.K., even if you (vehemently) disagree (vehemently).
Ὑπάρχει εἷς Κόπανος, - συγγνώμη, μᾶλλον ὑπάρχουν οὐκ ὀλίγοι... (ἤ: ποῦ εἶσαι ρὲ Μουστάκα; Φέρε τὸ Τουφέκι!) (ἤ: Αὐτοὶ οἵ αὐτοπαρουσιάζονται...) (ἤ: καὶ πολὺ καλῶς κάμνετε ποὺ δὲν τοῦς δίδετε καθόλου σημασία)
Ὑπάρχει εἷς Κόπανος, - συγγνώμη, μᾶλλον ὑπάρχουν οὐκ ὀλίγοι... οἵ νομίζουν ὅτι τὰ ξεύρουν ὅλα, παριστάνουν τὸν ἐξειδικευμένον ξερόλα, μερικοὶ ἀπὸ δαύτους γράφουν καὶ βιβλία, μὲ φανταστικὰς ἰδέας καὶ μετὰ τῆς «πρωτοτύπου» ὁρολογίας, συνδυάζοντας τὰ πάντα μὲ τὰ πάντα, μὲ τὴν ἐν τῷ ἐγκεφάλῳ των πραγμάτωσιν τῆς Κουτοφαντιασμένης τους Οὐτοπίας, προσφέροντας τοιουτοτρόπως τὰς «τελείους λύσεις τελείας» διὰ προβλήματα, οἷς ὁ βασικώτερος ἀνθρωπᾶκος τοῦ Μόχθου καὶ τῆς Ζωῆς ξεύρει ὅτι διὰ προβλήματα τοιαῦτα ποτὲς θὰ ὑπάρξῃ λύσις - ἀφοῦ τὰ Συμφέροντα Πάντα Κυβερνᾶνε. Ὑπάρχει λοιπὸν οὗτος ὁ Κόπανος, καὶ οἱ ὡσὰν αὐτὸν παρόμοιοι, μὲ τοῦ των ἐγκεφάλου τὴν ἀπόλυτον πλῦσιν καὶ ἀκεραίαν, ἀκέραιον Λοβοτομήν, μὲ προγραμματικὸ τοῦ Σατανᾶ στόχον Συσκότισιν, οἵ κατὰ βᾶθος εἶναι οἱ Σκοτεινώτεροι Σατανισταί, θέλουν τὸν Σατανᾶ Κυβερνήτην, καὶ τὸν ἑλληνισμόν ἀπολύτως τελειωμένον,... παρόλο ποὺ δηλώνουν καὶ παριστάνουν, παριστάνουν,... αὐτοπαρουσιάζονται... τοῦ ἑλληνισμοῦ ὑπέρ (ἀφοῦ ἐκ τῆς οὐσίας οὐσιαστικῶς καὶ πραγματολογικῶς - ἄσε τὰ λόγια τους τὰ σάπια γιὰ τὸ τὶ λένε - κοιτᾶτε πὼς κινοῦνται, (σᾶς) δουλεύουν, πράττουν, ἐνεργοῦν... ἐνσυνειδήτως, ἄθελα, ἤ ὀλίγον τὶ καὶ ἀπ' τὰ δῦο - δὲν ἔχει σημασίαν,... Διὰ Συμφέροντα Ξένα, Πάντα Πληρωμένα).
Listen Here, DUMB-FUCK, Listen Here, FUCK-FACE, Listen Here, RETARD (or: BUT I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU) (or: Because Smart People - Really Smart People - EVEN if they are ULTRA-UGLY, are Really BEAUTIFUL) (or: THE COUNCIL(S) OF THE BEAUTIFUL)
Listen Here, DUMB-FUCK, Listen Here, FUCK-FACE, Listen Here, RETARD, write as many fucking BOOKS as you want, PUBLISH THEM as often as you want, GET YOUR ZIO- OR OTHER FUNDING from wherever the FUCK YOU WANT, have as much Success, Fame and Praise as you want and can GET. BUT I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU: the GREATEST BOOKS - BAR NONE - in the whole History of Mankind known to MAN - have been written in both literature and science. I'm not going to waste my TIME either reading you or engaging with YOU, other than to say you are FILTHY, DISGUSTING FOUL AND ABOVE ALL AN ULTRA-UGLY, ULTRA-STUPID IDIOT.
One of the problems the High-IQ white identitarians have (or: why certain High IQ people are really not that smart, if not DUMB) (or: Han Man and Hindu Man and Ape Man WON over the long, longer, longest run because Population LONG/LONGER/LONGEST-TERM means EVERYTHING) (or: The Heterogony of Ends won't STOP there. It has - Up its Sleeve - Innumerable other ways and means to take Revenge - including ON Satan's Representatives)
One of the problems the High-IQ white identitarians have - and I am not saying this to be their Foe, though neither am I their Friend (even though I acknowledge they make a whole series of valid points (from e.g. 30% to 70%+... - GROSSO MODO -... most of the Time)), is that the ZIO-SATANISTS at elite level -
(elite-level Jews and Satanic Circus Monkey People of ZIO-SATANIC INTERNATIONALISM AND GLOBALISATION aka GLOBALISM (inclusive of a great majority of absolutely filthy Anglos, Protestants, Papists, Atheists, et al.), whereby "everyone" who has been ZIO-LOBOTOMISED "must be a Multi-Cultural, Open Borders, Open Society", and "of course because it just happens" ISRAEL "must" have FULLY SEALED BORDERS and not SIX (6) million aesthetically Beautiful and Very Intelligent Black Africans and or Mohammedans being welcomed on a ZIO-multi-cultural BASIS),... -
DID NOT CAUSE the New Times, nor Modernity, nor Capitalism, nor The Renaissance, nor The Enlightenment, nor the Industrial and French Revolutions (Hobsbawm's "dual revolution"), nor Mass Democracy and (Post-)Modernism,
even though they made not insignificant and HIGHLY AND VASTLY AND GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE contributions to some of same, i.e. to some of the above,
so that the States, Western Countries find themselves in today - macro-historically seen -
were (VERY) LARGELY CAUSED by non-ZIO/JEW Whites,
and if relatively High (mean and or average) IQ means you get yourself to the point of (potentially) GENOCIDING YOURSELF OUT OF EXISTENCE THROUGH SELF-AUTO-ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION by letting SATAN (GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATELY) take part in leading the Way, then you've (we've) made OUR BED, and now it's getting very close to the Time when we shall - without ever getting up again - LIE IN IT.
[[This is very interesting (incl. in relation to P.K.'s two short books on Marx): Ancient Greece (and Christian/Orthodox Greece) and China, etc., were places of various inventions of a mechanical and or other nature (say until c. 1300 for argument's sake) which did not become part of any expanding production as in the case of mercantilism/proto-capitalism and capitalism, because those ancient peoples' fundamental view of the world was one oriented (much more) towards Order and Continuity, and not towards use value, profits, accumulation, ZIO/Protestant/etc.-Satanism, and instrumentalisation in the (mainly ZIO-Protestant) capitalistic sense... this is very interesting... (cf. http://contogeorgis.blogspot.com/2018/11/blog-post_17.html?temp-new-window-replacement=true) + from Bacon to La Mettrie!!! (cf. P.K.!!! and also the notion that Science as Scientific Observation could not Give a Fuck (as it does not Give a Fuck about any kind of Massacre, Torture or "Holocaust") about choosing between kinds, i.e. preferring (a) specific kind(s), of instrumentalisation as to content, apart from describing and explaining them to the extent it can...) [[I have to admit this weakness: whenever a Λευκάδος ἄνθρωπος (Λευκαδίτης) "kicks goals" (e.g. Baltsa or Contogeorgis), I always cry. (Whenever an Ἀρβανίτης "kicks goals" (e.g. Papasideris or Karambelias), I always smile - and see them as Greeks).]]]]
It can't be put any more "raw" than this:
It can't be put any more "raw" than this: the "West" - even if we accept it sort of continues to exist as incorporating some aspects of truly Western (White European-based) cultural and social-political achievements - is effectively, macro-historically seen, DEAD as a "Ruling-the-World" Power, and what of the "West" might remain will remain with the USA still being the or a major world Power along with the associated elite-level GROSSLY (VASTLY AND HIGHLY) DISPROPORTIONATE ZIO-SATANIC-JEW Over-representation interweaving with their PROTESTANT-CATHOLIC-ATHEIST CO-ZIOFIED-SATANISTS, whether one likes that, or NOT. "Them" are both the FACTS, and a reflection of the current and foreseeable in the Future, CORRELATION OF FORCES. If someone seriously wants to know when the ZIO-SATANIST-EVIL-DEVILS-OF-TOTAL-ZIO-HATE will be "put in their place", then the answer is that I cannot tell you, but it seems to me it has to happen "from the outside", e.g. by the Chinese (Han) and or the APE as APE-ANOMIE-GOING-APE-BANANAS-JUNGLE-BONGO-JUNGLE-OW-OOOOOO!!!, and even if a Force or Forces "from the outside" achieve such a thing, it will be almost certain that next to nothing of the West will then remain so we're sort of kind of probably most definitely - because SATAN HAS GOT US ALL BY THE BALLS (Men and Women) - locked-in-LOCKED.
Don't bother talking to the Lobotomised (or: If Buber is allowed to be a Zionist (what's wrong with that?), then I'm allowed to be a Hellene, a Greek and a Roman (DEATH TO SATAN!!!))
Don't bother talking to the Lobotomised, don't bother talking to those who have had The Full-Spectrum, because ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION has had about a century or more to gradually take hold, and now with all the Mass-Psycho-ZIO-Poofterism and Mass-Psycho-ZIO-Transexualism and Mass-Psycho-ZIO-Worship and Mass-Psycho-ZIO-Fetishisation of the ZIO-Holocaust and ZIO-Israel, the ZIO-LOBOTOMY is about at the ZIO-Peak of its ZIO-Success. But History and its Heterogony of Ends is a Far Shiftier, Craftier and Much More Effective Devil than even the ZIO-SATANISTS with all their ZIO-SATANISM, and even though History to an individual human of say 80 years might seem to be SLOW, History is actually neither fast or slow, but is what it is AND THE ZIO-SATANIC ZIO-CIRCUS ZIO-MONKEY AS SATAN'S MAIN ON-EARTH REPRESENTATIVE IS GOING TO GET WHAT'S COMING TO IT, YOU CAN BE CERTAIN OF THAT, AND SURE (and then - when the conditions, circumstances, Historical Conjuncture,... CHANGE... the Lobotomised will see things in totally different ways, so differently that if they were alive when their Successors came to see things with Difference, they'd have another Lobotomy on top of their current Lobotomy and then would for a Period of Time be in a state of dual-double-twin ZIO-ANTI-ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION coloured non-ZIO-non-White).
The "Big FUCK-YOU!!!" might be "NECESSARY" but it's NO SOLUTION (or: There! I see Hindu Man Floating Way Over There! in the Background) (or: If THE APE gets going, you'd better find a Gilligan's Island to Live On because Ape-Living is not going to be that much or rather any FUN)
The "Big FUCK-YOU!!!" might be "NECESSARY" but it's NO SOLUTION to "The Problem", because "The Problem" goes back Centuries, it involves mainly White Northern-Western Europeans and the ZIO-FLEA-VULTURE-CANCER, and HAN MAN going MAO-APE blowing up the whole World as a Form of GREAT-BALLS-OF-FIRE Historical Revenge ain't going to exactly get us anywhere, so ZIO-USA will have no choice - if some sanity prevails - to gradually over the coming decades (or longer, but eventually) BACK DOWN and BACK OFF.
Οἱ Φραγκοφέροντες (δὲν ἐννοῶ τὸν Ἀρβανίτη ἤ τὸν ἄλλον Λευκαδίτη) (ἤ: Ἡ Ἑλλάδα ἡ Καθημερινή...) (ἤ: Οὕλους τοὺς Ἕλληνας τοῦς ἀγαπάω κι ἄς ἐνοχλοῦνται οἱ πάντες ἀπὸ τοὺς πάντες)
Οἱ Φραγκοφέροντες ἀνάμεσά μας δὲν εἶναι οὐκ ὀλίγοι, π.χ. εἷς ὑπάρχει Ἱστορικὸς (ἀκόμα ζωντανός), ἄλλος κᾶτι σὰν σχολιαστὴς ἐφημερίδος, εἷς ἄλλος Καθηγητὴς Γεωπολιτικῆς μετ' ἄλλων χαρακτηριστικῶν κληρονομικῶν, καὶ τὰ λοιπά, καὶ τὰ λοιπά, καὶ τὰ λοιπά. Καὶ πάντα σκέπτομαι διὰ τὸν παπποῦ μου τὸν Σβορῶνον, ὅς ἦτο κι αὐτὸς Φραγκοφέρων, καθὼς ἐπίσης καὶ ὁ φίλος τοῦ Μεξικανοῦ, ὁ Τρελλὸς ἐναντίον τοῦ Βυζαντίου Πολίτης, ὁ Συνθέτης τοῦ ὁποίου ἡ Μουσικὴ δὲν ἀκούγεται ἀπὸ σχεδὸν κανέναν, ἀφοῦ ὁμοιάζει μὲ ΘΟΡΥΒΟ, καὶ ἀσφαλῶς ὁ Φιλόσοφος τοῦ ὁποίου ἡ Σκέψις δὲν κατανοεῖται ἀπὸ σχεδὸν κανέναν, ἀφοῦ ἔλεγε γιὰ κᾶτι τὶς Ἀνοικτό, ἐνῶ ἦτο ἀπολύτως Κλειστό. Καὶ αὐτοὶ οἱ Φραγκοφέροντες ἐνίοτε εἶναι κᾶτι τὶς παραπάνω ἀπὸ ὀλίγον τὶ Ἐνοχλητικοί, ἀλλὰ εἶναι οὕλοι Ἕλληνες διότι Φραγκοφέρουν Ἑλληνίζοντες λὲς καὶ εἶχαν παραχθεῖ ἀπὸ τοῦ Μάρκου τὴν Ῥωμέηκη Φραγκοσυριανή.
Look, they are really not all the Same (or: Enough is Enough with ZIO-Satanism) (or: "The Jumping Jews of Jerusalem" scene in The Black Adder was not only VERY FUNNY, but also VERY MEANINGFUL (to me))
Look, they are really not all the Same. Of course, we know that Smart-Arse. I and my woman have known them for nearly five decades, and we also know that they are - in certain countries - GROSSLY (VASTLY, HIGHLY) DISPROPORTIONATELY - found in elite-level positions in a whole range of sectors from Banking, Finance, Corporations, Big Money Trade to Big Money Political Party Donors, Government Policy Movers and Shakers, Elite University Professors, High Law, High Medicine, Mass Media, Mass Entertainment, etc., etc., etc., and obviously they have a History of Primitive Secret Society Networking to get to those Positions, and we've observed this in our lives in a particular city in a particular country in a number of areas (including various business, legal and social-political dealings), and we've read many others who have made similar observations regarding other cities and other countries, and this also applies to 1920s and 1930s Germany; SO, we with High Ethnic and or Religious Consciousnesses of our own ARE ABSOLUTELY SICK OF THEM AS A GROUP (particularly when they go ON and ON and ON about their "Holocaust" when more than 200 million others died as INNOCENTS in the 20th century including more than 30 million of our own Group Broadly Defined), AND, even though we can and do have innumerable business-like and or pleasant exchanges at a personal level with them. The best thing for you to do, though, is not to ever talk to us about them because we can tell when someone has had the FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMY from a million miles away, and from a million miles more.
We've said this a million times, and a million times more (or: Because Freedom is Relative, TOO)
We've said this a million times, and a million times more, Values, FUCK-HEAD, are Relatνive - Based on ALL THE HISTORICAL EVIDENCE of ALL known Human-Social Beings in ALL known Human-Social Action and Behaviour, so from the point of view of Theory as Empirically Verified and Logically Consistent Observation, Description and Explanation (to the extent possible), THERE IS NO FUCKING ARGUMENT, FUCKHEAD. Because IF you think you can Argue Against Me and Panagiotis and Max and Michel (Eyquem de Montaigne) and a few others I'm too tired to also name, YOU CAN'T, we've already WON, because FACTS are FACTS are FACTS. Now, if you can and are able and are Powerful (Influential) Enough to Make LAWS to define and ban certain speech, then GOOD FOR YOU, but it does not change the TRUTH, and those who SPEAK THE TRUTH and are WITH AND IN THEIR TRIBE, are the Only People who are FREE for FREEDOM IS DEFINED BY ME AS TRIBAL (GROUP) AUTONOMY AND MY PERSONALITY BEING ME IN MY AUTONOMOUS TRIBE (GROUP) with ALL OF US CLEAR ABOUT WHO IS AND WHO ARE THE OTHER.
Ῥωμηοφέροντες Ἑλληνίζοντες καὶ Φραγκοφέροντες Ἀμερικανίζοντες
Ῥωμηοφέροντες Ἑλληνίζοντες καὶ Φραγκοφέροντες Ἀμερικανίζοντες, ὡραία θὰ 'ταν νὰ εἴμασταν μόνον τὸ πρῶτον ξεχωριστά, ἀλλὰ τὸ πρῶτον αὐτὸ ὡς μέγεθος αὐτόνομο ἤδη ἀνήκει εἰς τὸ Παρελθόν, καὶ ἀπέθανε σὰν πιθανότητα ἀπτὴ μὲ τὴν Ἐπανάστασι τὴ Βιομηχανική, μεταξὺ ἄλλων. Διὰ τὸ δεύτερον θὰ εἰπῶ: ὅτι ζοῦμε εἰς τὸν Κόσμον τὸν τοιαῦτον (τῶν ΦραγκοἈμερικανιζόντων) εἴτε ἀρέσει εἴτε μή, ἀλλὰ ἄν τὸ παρακάνουμε καὶ ἐκεῖ, θὰ ἔχουμε παραμελήσει τὴν Αὐτοσυντήρησι, καὶ ἔτσι δὲν θὰ εἴμεθα ἄλλο Γραικοί, μὰ τὰ πιὸ ἄθλια Τσανάκια τῶν Διαμαρτυρουμένων Παπικῶν ῬωμαιοΚαθολικῶν καὶ ΣατανοΛοβοτομημένων Ἀθέων Σατανιστῶν. Ἄραγε ἡ μόνη Σωτηρία διὰ τὸ Γένος Ἡμῶν, θὰ ἦτο ἡ Σύνθεσις τῶν Στοιχείων Ὅλων, ἅ ἀπαρτίζουν καὶ τὴν Ἱστορίαν καὶ τὴν Ἰδιοπροσωπείαν, ἀλλὰ καὶ τοῦ Σατανᾶ τὴν Πραγματικότητα τὴν Νὺν (ποτὲς Ἀεί, καὶ ἄς φαίνεται Ἀεί) τὴν Πραγματική, ἥ εἶναι ὄντως Πραγματικῶς Πραγματική, καὶ ΔΕΝ ὙΠΑΡΧΕΙ Ἡ ΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ νὰ τοῦ Σατανᾶ ὁ Δρόμος νὰ ΑΠΟΦΕΥΧΘῌ... ἐκτὸς ἄν γίνουμεν... Κινέζοι... καὶ δείξουμε ὙΠΟΜΟΝΗ (καὶ πάλι ὁ Σατανᾶς ξανὰ θὰ εἶναι ΠΑΡΩΝ καὶ ΕΝΕΡΓΩΝ, καὶ ΠΡΑΤΤΩΝ, καὶ ΔΡΩΝ, καὶ ἐκεῖ, ὅπως ΠΑΝΤΟΥ, διότι θὰ ἔχει ξανὰ μεταμορφωθῇ, καὶ ξεμπλέξιμο ἀπὸ ΑΥΤΟΝ μόνο γίνεται εἰς τὸν - κάτω ἤ καὶ πάνω - Κόσμον τὸν Ἄλλον).
Remember this RETARDS
Remember this RETARDS, I have NEVER, I would NEVER, I shall NEVER, tell you what you should believe, how you should think, who should be your Friends (and Allies), who should be your Foes (and Enemies), what your Values and Anti-Values should be, which "Holocaust" you should Worship, who you should Put on a Pedestal, who you should Idolise, what Lobotomy to have, or what you should DO. Remember that RETARDS. Death to SATAN!!!
If I were to ever give advice, my advice would be (or: I harp on about them endlessly because I've said it "a million times" that for as long as I can do it, I'm going to do the Interpreting) (or: P.K. is not to be Appropriated by the People of SATAN, i.e. The Satan (Satanic Circus Monkey) People)
If I were to ever give advice, my advice would be, don't ever mention them. There are other ways of Skinning the Cat, and the Han and or the Ape and or ??? are Eventually going to Skin the Cat, but in the interim you (we) are all LOCKED-IN, so don't mention them.
The fucking FILTH. The absolutely fucking FILTH
The fucking FILTH. The absolutely fucking FILTH. If I were to Start a New Religion (I most definitely am NOT going to try and start a new religion),... anyway, if I were to Start a New Religion, I would start with Laws of Cleanliness and Seek to Get Rid of the FILTH. The absolutely fucking FILTH.
I'll dumb-it-DOWN, Bird Brain, in the Hope you might understand Something (though I doubt it very much)
I'll dumb-it-DOWN, Bird Brain, in the Hope you might understand Something (though I doubt it very much). It goes something, sort of, kind of, LIKE THIS: the ancient Greek world which had fairly strong elements of continuity - apart from all the Ruptures and Elements of Difference - in the Hellenic Roman world (even up to 19th century under the Ottoman-Turkic Barbarians (Animals)) was a distinctly pre-capitalistic agrarian-based social formation of democracy and or democratic-like social-political features, which Eventually, got Overtaken (starting (slowly, slowly, monkey, monkey, Satanic Circus Monkey),... from 1071/1204 A.D.) by the Papist and - more crucially - later Protestant Co-operation with ZIO-Satanism (Jews) (Weber and Sombart) in spreading Capitalism all over World, all over the Globe, including being involved strongly in Colonialism, Imperialism, the Slave Trade, Slave Emancipation, Proletarian and Peasant (Super-)Exploitation, Massive Capital Accumulation, Western Worker Emancipation, Secularisation and the rest of it (see elsewhere on this Page and throughout this Site), until we got to a (Massified-Atomised-Consumeristic-Hedonised-Die-Versified-Freak/Zombie-Show) ZIO-USA, ZIO-LOBOTOMISED (potential) AUTO-GENOCIDE of the Historical White Peoples, Ethne, Nations, whilst the Satanic Circus Monkey Compound and Bunker is supposed to be Relatively "Pure" with FULLY SHUT ZIO-BORDERS of FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED ZIO-HATE, and without the ZIO-MULTI-CULTURAL and ZIO-MULTI-RACIAL "BENEFIT" of SIX (6) million Absolutely Gorgeous and Highly Intelligent Black African and or Brownish Mohammedan People Entering and Settling in Israel for the Benefit of Culture, Die-Versity, Prosperity and PEACE.
Death to SATAN!!!
Put it this way in Repeating Ourselves AGAIN (or: Thus, Spake the Satirical Literary Person) (or: The End Point of Absolutely Consistent Value Nihilism is Throwing it all Away or Rather Leaving it Alone and Dying ANYWAY (so until then, we have to Find Ourselves always Being "on/in the outskirts of Town"))
Put it this way in Repeating Ourselves AGAIN, if P.K.'s works were presented by the Commercial "Academic" Press, then what you'd get would be potentially a whole lot of "Professors" and "Doctors" Saying a Whole Lot of Stuff which would simply constitute an OFFENCE, and then the misrepresentation of P.K.'s works would become the NORM, instead of People Respecting What they Have Before THEM, and People Trying to Engage with P.K.'s texts in a Productive Manner. The actual process of Consistently Separating Description and Explanation from Normative Values, whilst also being Logically Consistent, and whilst also Taking into Consideration ALL THE RELEVANT FACTS, is actually much, Much, MUCH more difficult than what it sounds, looks, smells or feels (LIKE). Whilst a higher than average "I.Q." might be necessary, what is definitely definitively certainly absolutely totally completely entirely wholly conclusively without exception necessary is ABSOLUTE INTELLECTUAL DISCIPLINE (which - believe it or not - in turn requires ABSOLUTE CORPOREAL DISCIPLINE), and the only person I've ever met who has such discipline(s) is Nobody because I am Myself.
Μῖξερ Σατανᾶς Τοῦς Ἐνθυμούμεθα ἑκάστη ἡμέρα καὶ ΚΛΑΙΜΕ (ἤ: τὸ τὶ γινόταν τὴ δεκαετία τοῦ 1970 καὶ τὸ τὶ καταντήσαμεν σήμερον) (ἤ: ἡ τοῦ Οἰκείου Ἀγάπη ἔμεινε παρὰ τῷ Θεῷ Μακριὰ ἀπὸ μᾶς)
Μῖξερ Σατανᾶς Τοῦς Ἐνθυμούμεθα ἑκάστη ἡμέρα καὶ ΚΛΑΙΜΕ ἡ Κυρ' Ἀγγέλω κι ἐγώ, οἱ ἐκκλησιὲς γιομᾶτες μὲ οἰκογένειες, ὁμογενεῖς, ἑλληνικά, ἑλληνισμό, παιδιά, παππούληδες καὶ γιαγιᾶδες, σόγια καὶ συγγενεῖς,... ἑορταί, χοροί, πανηγύρια, ἐπισκέψεις, ἐκδηλώσεις καὶ χοροί,... Ἐνθυμούμεθα ἡ Κυρ' Ἀγγέλω κι ἑγώ, διότι τώρα μόνο ἐμεῖς ΜΕΙΝΑΜΕ, δῦο, καὶ ὅλοι οἱ ἄλλοι, περίπου ὅλοι οἱ ἄλλοι, ΑΠΕΘΑΝΑΝ, ἤ ΜΠΗΚΑΝ στὸ Μῖξερ τοῦ Σατανᾶ, ἀφελληνίστηκαν ΟΙΚΤΡΑ, εἶναι ὄντως καὶ ἤδη τὸ ἀγγλόφωνο Ἄλλο - αὐτὸ τὸ Σίχαμα τοῦ Μίσους τοῦ Ἄλλου - καὶ τώρα ἐμείναμε ΜΟΝΟΙ ἐμεῖς ἡ Κυρ' Ἀγγέλω κι ἐγώ, καὶ τὰ δάκρυα γιὰ ἕνα Ῥωμέηκο Ἑλληνισμό, ποὺ ἁπλῶς (οὔτε στὴν Ἑλλάδα - εἶναι αὐτὴ ὄντως ἡ Ἑλλάς;) δὲν ὑπάρχει ΑΛΛΟ.
This is what I see politically in the "West" - and I'll try and do it Dispassionately, even though I know I won't succeed (or: Macro-Historically Seen, The Jungle in not that far away, not that far OFF)
This is what I see politically in the "West":
a) The "Cultural-Marxist" Loony "Left" and "Neo-Con-Job" agenda of Opening Everything (except of course some things like (a) certain Primitive Secret Society/Societies) and Minimising Taboos as much as possible (except of course for the ZIO-Taboo of ZIO-Satanists being - "it just happens" - "SACRED" and "OUT OF BOUNDS") so that ZIO-PRIVILEGE at elite levels can be FULLY PROTECTED and so that the ZIO and Other Globalists can keep on Making Profits and more Profits and more Profits in the name of "Human Rights" in the Hope that it will never END and never will go BANG!!! KAPUT!!! OUCH!!! (Because it'll "just happen" that "Everyone" will Eventually "Cum at the Party, BY Coming to the Party");
b) The Righteous "Right", which still wants to Protect ZIO and ZIO's Expanding Profits and Expanding DIE-VERSE Populations (and all the concomitant elite-level ZIO-Privilege), but with a bit more Realism and a bit more Nationalism and some sort of kind of Borders, some more - it might be hoped - "Law and Order", with a bit every now and then said about there being no "White Privilege" (not really), with a bit as well of "Higher IQ" ZIO-Hocus Pocus, with perhaps less of a "Let's Be ZIO-Everywhere on the ZIO-International ZIO-Stage" Interventionism, and far less Musulman Islam (which can even include certain ZIO-NEO-CON-JOB strands);
c) The Far or Extreme "Right", which in part at least wants to deal with ZIO and deal with Globalism and put an end to Expansion and Lock Down the Nation up to far greater Racial Homogeneity than Today, using Technology and Robots etc. to Keep Control of Territory and to Keep a "Decent Standard of Living" continuing for the Natives;
WITH a(n alternating SCHIZOID) mix of a) and b) above being the most likely outcome until Han Man and or Hindu Man and or Ape Man and or ??? Man says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and does what History SAYS (perhaps) MUST BE DONE. (= Things are NOT GOOD. No No No NO GOOD).
The good thing about the Future
The good thing about the Future is that it can be VERY, VERY, VERY FAR, FAR, FAR AWAY, AWAY, AWAY and Impossible to Predict. So, when I talk about Han Man and or Hindu Man and or Ape Man and or ??? Man, I'm not talking about Tomorrow Morning or the Day after Tomorrow but about 2060 or 2120 or 2200 when I won't be even in the Future because Being is Now becoming the next Now Until the Biological Constant of Death Decides No MORE Nows.
I've been Lobotomised SO (or: Society, Culture, Man, Reality, Ideology, The Political, Politics, The of Ends Heterogony)
I've been Lobotomised SO I know how the Facts Get Obscured by the Smoky Obfuscations, The Dirty Mirrors, The Murky Looking Glasses, The Satanic Smokescreens of HELL,... and how All Lobotomies Work. AND, then we have P.K. and the Study of Power which is Very Differentiated and Manifested in all Kinds of Forms and Sorts at all Kinds of Different Sorts of Forms of Levels Interweaving with Inter-Actions and Inter-Relations and Identity and Meaning and Understanding and Groups and Individuals and In Various Forms and Kinds of and Sorts of Crystals, Crystallisations, Accumulations and Concentrations. SO I know about Lobotomies - ZIO OR NOT.
Obviously the Crazed Crazy MAD (Going, Going, GONE!) Satirical Literary Persona of this Site is a Tad or even perhaps Extremely Over the TOP
Obviously the Crazed Crazy MAD (Going, Going, GONE!) Satirical Literary Persona of this Site is a Tad or even perhaps Extremely Over the TOP, but if you have YOUR OWN BRAIN, and you know how to READ BETWEEN THE LINES, you might find that in MADNESS there can quite a lot of Truth be something like Veritas in Vino.
Now if I had GROSSLY GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE Access to the Halls and Corridors of Power, I would name Elite-ZIO-PROTESTANT-PAPIST-ATHEIST-Judeo-Christian-JEWS with GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE forms of Power, a "Hate Tribe", At LAW, and their Speech supporting ZIO-SATANISM, "Hate Speech", whilst depicting Electra Apostolou Everywhere where there used to be ZIO-Anne, and whilst also depicting the Massacres against Greeks-Romans-Hellenes and Other Orthodox Peoples as Holocausts instead of the German mass killings of Jews in the 20th century, and Helleno-LOBOTOMISING as many People as Possible into Believing in the Necessity of Opening FULLY Israel's Borders, whilst FULLY SEALING Greece and Italy's borders so not even one sixteenth of one eighth of one quarter of one half of a mosquito could pass through, whilst ISRAEL would ENJOY at least SIX (6) MILLION Aesthetically Beautiful and Highly Intelligent Pitch-Black Africans and Brownish other Mohammedans, so that ISRAEL could be Culturally Enriched and Culturally MULTI-DIE-VERSIFIED, etc., etc., etc.,... and so the SHOE would be on the other FOOT, and The Hate-Filled ZIO-Representatives of SATAN wouldn't like that now, would they? For in the 20th Century, the West Truly and Fully Entered the Age of SATAN under ZIO-USA, and what Follows The Age of SATAN, cannot but be The Age of the APE, and in The Age of the APE, no-one is going to WIN - except perhaps for the Han, and or the Hindu, and of course THE APE. Death to SATAN!!!
Estimable Historians SAY
Estimable Historians SAY that since the nineteenth century the Jewish ZIO-Lobby in the U.K. (I wonder what percentage of the English population c. 1860-1890 was Jewish, and how much influence their elite had on the English/G.B. Government at the time. I DO wonder. Perhaps some? high? vast? GROSS? DISPROPORTIONALITY between the percentage of the population which was ZIO/Jewish and the ZIO/Jewish Lobby Influence on the British Government would have been at play, perhaps?), - ANYWAY - we were saying that Estimable Historians SAY that since the nineteenth century the Jewish ZIO-Lobby in the U.K. Lobbied Hard so that Cyprus (racially-ethnologically 90%+ or even 95%+ Hellenic/Greek, and about at least 80-90%+ Orthodox (Hellenic/Greek religiously)) would never be United with the (usually pathetic) State of Greece (Hellenic Republic - but that's all we had, so we have to love it, like it or not). SO, what am I supposed to do now? CURSE AND ANATHEMATISE THE ZIO-SATANISTS, THE ZIO-EVIL-DEVILS, AND THE SATANIC CIRCUS MONKEY, MORE OR LESS, OR, HOPE THAT THE NEARLY ALWAYS ESTIMABLE HISTORIANS ARE WRONG?
Ἄν βλέπετε τὰ πράγματα μὲ αἰσιοδοξίαν, πολὺ καλῶς κάμνετε (ἤ: ἔτσι ἀγαπᾶτε, ἔτσι θὰ στρώσετε, καὶ ἔτσι θὰ πεθάνετε) (ἤ: πηγαίνω νὰ κοιμηθῶ) (ἤ: Ὅποιοι Διαλέγουν τὸ ΜΙΣΟΣ ἐναντίον τοῦ ἙΑΥΤΟΥ, θὰ Πληρωθοῦν μὲ τὴν Ἀγάπη τὴν Ἀπόλυτην καὶ Καθαρὰν τοῦ Χάρου)
Ἄν βλέπετε τὰ πράγματα μὲ αἰσιοδοξίαν, πολὺ καλῶς κάμνετε, ἄν βλέπετε τὸ ΚΑΝΟΝΙΚΟ στὴν ΠΟΥΣΤΑΝΩΜΑΛΙΑΝ, καὶ τὸ ΣΩΣΤΟ στὰ ΣΥΝΟΡΑ ΤΑ ΑΝΟΙΧΤΑ, καὶ τὴν ἔλευσιν καὶ ἐγκατάστασιν ἑκατομμυρίων Ἀφρικανῶν, Ἀσιατῶν, Μουχαμέτηδων καὶ ἄλλων ὥς κᾶτι τὶς τὸ ΘΕΤΙΚΟ, καὶ ΠΟΛΥΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΙΚΟ, καὶ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΙΚΟ, καὶ ΕΜΠΛΟΥΤΙΣΤΙΚΟ, καὶ ΔΙΑΦΟΡΕΤΙΚΟ... ὥστε νὰ ζεῖτε μὲσα στὴν ΔΙΑΦΟΡΕΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ εἰς τέτοιο βαθμό, ποὺ δὲν θὰ διακρίνεστε ἄλλο ἀπὸ τὸ ΑΛΛΟ... καὶ ἀφοῦ οὔτε καν θὰ χρειάζεσθε ἄλλο τὰ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, θὰ ὁμιλεῖτε τὴν προφανῶς βεβαίως σίγουρα ἀσφαλῶς τὴν ἀνωτέραν τῶν ἈγγλοΣαξόνων καλυτέραν γλῶσσαν... Shit Yeah!... καὶ θὰ ΠΡΟΣΚΥΝΑΤΕ τοὺς Ἰσραηλίτας, τοὺς Σκοπιανούς, τοὺς Τούρκους, τοὺς Φραγκο-Γερμαναρᾶδες καὶ λοιποὺς ἐξαιρετικῶς ὄμορφους ΤρανσΠούστοΛεσβιοΣατανοῬοκᾶδες, διότι ΜΟΝΟΝ ΑΥΤΟΙ ἔχουν ἹΣΤΟΡΙΑΝ, ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑΝ, ΘΡΗΣΚΕΙΑΝ, ΕΘΝΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΝ καὶ ΣΥΝΟΡΑ,... ἄν ὄντως ἔτσι τοιουτοτρόπως βλέπετε τὰ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ μὲ ΑΙΣΙΟΔΟΞΙΑΝ, λίαν καλῶς κάμνετε.
Ὕπάρχουν στοχασταὶ ζῶντες σήμερον (ὀλίγοι), οὕς πραγματικῶς ἀγαπῶ
Ὕπάρχουν στοχασταὶ ζῶντες σήμερον (ὀλίγοι), οὕς πραγματικῶς ἀγαπῶ, καὶ δὲν πειράζει ποὺ περὶ μερικῶν πραγμάτων διαφωνῶ, ποὺ περὶ μερικῶν πραγμάτων εἶναι ὄντως ἐλλειπεῖς, διότι τὸν Χαλκοκονδύλην τὸν Νεώτερον δὲν τὸν ἔχει πιάσει οὐδείς, καὶ ποτὲς θὰ νὰ τὸν ἐπιάσουν μπορέσουν.
Πὲς ὅτι (ἤ: δὲν ἔχετε ἰδέα τὶ ἔχουν περάσει Μετανᾶστες Ῥωμηοί, πρὸς χάριν τοῦ Σατανᾶ) (ἤ: Πραγματικὸ Ὁλοκαύτωμα χειροτέρο ἀπὸ Μαζικὴ Σφαγὴ)
Πὲς ὅτι ἀντὶ νὰ μοῦ ἔδιδε ζωὴ ὁ ΘΕΟΣ νὰ κάθουμαι μπροστὰ ἀπὸ τὸν ὑπολογιστὴ 40 χρόνια νὰ ὑβρίζω τὸν Σατανᾶ, ἤμουν Μετανάστης τὴ δεκαετίαν τοῦ 1920 ἤ ἀκόμα τοῦ 1950 καὶ ἔκαμνα τὸν Χαμάλη χειρότερα κάκιον τε καὶ χεῖρον ἀπὸ τὸν ΒοθροΠίθηκα διὰ 50 χρόνια χωρὶς νὰ δῶ Φῶς, μῆτε μίαν ἄσπρην ἡμέραν, ἵνα τὰ φᾶνε ὅλα τὰ ἐγγόνια τὰ ἀχαΐρευτα ἐν μίᾳ νυκτί, πὲς ὅτι λοιπὸν ὅτι ἔτσι ἦτον ἡ ζωή, κάλλιον θὰ περνοῦσα;
Ὠμὰ λόγια ποὺ ὅλοι σας ποὺ εἶστε ξύπνιοι ἔχετε ἤδη σκεφτεῖ καὶ ἄς μὴν τὰ λέτε πάντα (ἤ: Διαμηνύω καὶ μεθερμηνεύω λόγια τῶν Χαλκοκονδύληδων ἀφοῦ εἶμαι ἄνθρωπος ὅλων τῶν δουλειῶν, συμπεριλαμβανομένου καὶ τοῦ Μέντιουμ)
Ὠμὰ λόγια ποὺ ὅλοι σας ποὺ εἶστε ξύπνιοι ἔχετε ἤδη σκεφτεῖ καὶ ἄς μὴν τὰ λέτε πάντα. Ἔχω παρατηρήσει εἰς τὰ καλύτερα ἄρθα εἰς ὀλίγους πλὴν σημαντικοὺς ἱστοτόπους ἕν ὑψηλὸ ἐπίπεδο ἄρθρων τε καὶ ἀναλύσεων (γεω)πολιτικῆς, διεθνῶν σχέσεων, κοινωνίας, οἰκονομίας, κ.ο.κ.. Ὥς ἐδῶ, καλῶς. Ἄν ὅμως οἱ τοῦ τόπου ἐλὶτ καὶ πολιτικοὶ μελλοντικῶν κυβερνήσεων καὶ ἄλλων κρατικῶν-διοικητικῶν-κ.τ.λ. παραγόντων συνεχίσουν νὰ δροῦν εἰς τὰ γνωστὰ ἐπίπεδα «ἐπιβιώσεως» τοῦ ὅλου «Καθεστώτος», τότες, ΚΑΛΑ ΝΑ ΠΑΘΟΥΜΕΝ. ΘΑ ΠΑΘΟΥΜΕΝ (ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΛΑ ΑΛΛΑ ΑΚΟΜΑ ΑΠΟ) ΑΥΤΑ ΠΟΥ ΑΞΙΖΟΥΜΕΝ. Ο ΚΟΣΜΟΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΠΛΑΣΜΕΝΟΣ ΟΥΤΕ ΓΙΑ ΚΟΠΡΟΣΚΥΛΑ, ΟΥΤΕ ΓΙΑ ΑΧΡΕΙΟΥΣ (ΟΥΤΕ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΡΑΣΙΤΑ, ΟΥΤΕ ΓΙΑ ΛΟΒΟΤΟΜΗΜΕΝΟΥΣ). ΚΑΛΑ ΚΑΝΟΥΝ ΑΥΤΟΙ ΠΟΥ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ ΘΕΛΟΥΝ ΚΑΙ ΘΑ ΕΠΙΒΙΩΣΟΥΝ. ΚΑΛΑ ΝΑ ΠΑΘΟΥΜΕΝ, ΛΟΙΠΟΝ.
On my mid-morning Jog I ESPIED (or: WHEN THE MEN ARRIVE (A prophesy to be FULFILLED sometime within this millennium))
On my mid-morning Jog I ESPIED for the first time in about 50 years a group of about 6 labourers standing around "fixing the road", fattish-whitish sorts, with one of them being fattish-blackish-Black. Now, if someone told me personally he had a Political Programme of Expelling the Black Man to another Country or Territory, and let's say the Black Man worked with and worked like - more or less - the White Men, and let's say the Black Man had a White Wife and two Mixed-Race children, or whatever,... it could be that I might not like the look of all of that, or it could be that I am totally indifferent to it, and or I understand sort of - at the very least - the White Man with the White Political Programme, but if the Day Ever Came to Expel that particular Black Man (I don't think there is any possibility it ever will, to be quite FRANK), I'd probably take My Woman, and we'd go to the Barricades, something like when the Patriots went to the Barricades in the 19th century - to support the said Black Man. But things would be a bit different with a Representative of Satan, i.e. a "learned, erudite, urbane, sophisticated, cultured, cosmopolitan, High Verbal IQ Know-it-All Jew" with a ZIO-hooked nose and ZIO-nasal voice, or not, and who "just happens" to not agree that ISRAEL should FULLY OPEN its BORDERS to SIX (6) MILLION AESTHETICALLY BEAUTIFUL AND HIGHLY INTELLIGENT PITCH AND OTHER BLACK AFRICANS AND OR BROWNISH MOHAMMEDAN MUSULMANS. In that case, obviously, I would not support any expulsion of anyone apart from Terrorist Criminals and or Other Anomic (Invader-)Occupiers of my People's historical Tribal Homelands, but if that VILE, ULTRA-UGLY, FOUL, SICK, DISGUSTING, TOTALLY REPUGNANT, REPREHENSIBLE, DESPICABLE, DEPLORABLE, ZIO-SATANIST tried to ever tell me what and how and when to think, to believe, to cogitate, etc., then I'd pull out one of the many CROSSES I always WEAR, and ANATHEMATISE AND CURSE THE ZIO-SCUMBAG-SATANIST, who not only is FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED from before birth, but WHO LOOKS (subjectively seen as a matter of TASTE) worse than Satan's Arse-Hole, just like that FILTH with the SATAN-BOOK or the Satanic Circus Monkey ITSELF,... all of them SATAN-DEVILS, who do not know their PLACE and will get what's coming to them, WHEN THE MEN ARRIVE.
When I said I was Sancho Panza, I never said P.K. was Don Quijote.
Where I'm coming from, where you're coming from (or: Everyone has their Reasons) (or: None of this means that a sane person in what remains of the West should not support his country (whichever it is) and or the USA and or a United Europe (fashioned preferably in a kind of sort of De Gaullean fashion) etc., it's just that there are Real Problems that to Scientific Observation (of facts, non-normatively and logically consistently) cannot be Camouflaged or Go Away) (and: this is the Satirical Literary Persona Speaking, so don't confuse it with anyone Real) (and: I understand you can and or do find me and my group ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING, ULTRA-UGLY AND FILTHY, but that does not mean that either I'll stop finding you about the same or that I won't be polite and kind to you if you are polite and kind to me on an at-arm's-length-business-transaction BASIS)
Where I'm coming from, where you're coming from, that's the way the Story Goes (until we take Power into consideration). What all this means is that, taking into consideration P.K.'s two booklets on Marx (and supplementing them with the fundamental positions of G?????? C??????????? (for Greek readers - and the man has absolutely nothing to do with "anti-Semitism"; those of us who read and listen to him, might disagree with some things he says, but agree with a lot of what he says, and tend to love him for his absolutely faultless speaking and communicative manner, his many brilliant insights and analytical pyrotechnics... - he is an absolute MODEL for all (young) Greek Intellectuals interested...)),... Hellenism-Greekness or Greco-Romanness - (we love making up words (even in an absolutely DISGUSTING (subjectively seen as a matter of Taste) Barbarous Tongue like the English of the Anglo-Saxon in part Normanised Englishman), since Homer gave the First Major Example of Poesy and making up words) -, had a History essentially of a Relatively Closed Economy and Pre-Capitalism. This does not mean that Hellenism-etc. did not include MONEY and TRADE and did not in the end of its long history into the 20th century include elements of capitalism, but the MAIN-STREAM of Capitalism on an Expanding, Accumulative, Make MORE and MORE and MORE MONEY basis is essentially ZIO/JEW (usury) and PROTESTANT(-Catholic-Secularist-Atheist) (industry, inventions, productive competitive capitalism and industrial proletariat, etc. until c. WW2) (Sombart and Weber, inter alia, of course). So my parents and especially grandparents were the LAST GENERATION from the Hellenic-etc. essentially Pre-Capitalistic, non-ZIO-Usury WORLD which stretches back some 3,500 or more years in all its (elements of up to very strong) CONTINUITY (with, of course, all of its RUPTURES and BREAKS and CHANGES as well). Now, for whatever personal reasons, I was able to, as a child, observe (and participate in) the VERY STRONG IN-GROUP BEHAVIOUR of my FATHER which goes back Millennia (e.g. as manifested in the Lefkadian Brotherhood of ???????? on the Other Side of the World), until it was effectively Broken Up by the Assimilatory-Combinatory Forces of ZIO-USA-based massifying and atomising, feminofaggotising etc. mass democracy - and who, now that he is gone, I must say, and I surprise myself when I say this, ABSOLUTELY ADORE (and notwithstanding all the Difficulties which can occur in a Patriarchal and or "Oedipal" situation between Father and Son,... and Mother and Sister etc., which by the way, as Patriarchy, is REALISTICALLY the best overall small-group "system" or rather network of social-human relations to ensure GROUP COHESION, GROUP CONTINUITY, SOCIAL COHESION and COLLECTIVE and INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY etc., when compared to the ZIO/USA-INSANE MASSIFIED-ATOMISED FEMINO-FAGGOTISM, where everyone "is connected" courtesy of SATAN'S SATANBOOK ARSE-HOLE (have you seen the Face of that FILTH?) and by being FULLY DISCONNECTED from Extended Family, Ancestors, History, Community, TRIBE, Tribal Homelands, Religion, Customs, Tradition (made-up, mythical or NOT), Language, Culture, etc. and whilst the ABSOLUTELY FILTHY, DISGUSTING AND ULTRA-UGLY ZIO-SATANISTS (JEWS) (in collusion with their ZIO-FIED or ZIO-NISED FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED WASP-PROTESTANT and or CATHOLIC-ATHEIST COCK-SUCKING ALLY ZIO-TARDS (subjectively seen as a matter of Taste)) AT ELITE LEVEL, WIELD GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE FORMS OF POWER AND WEALTH, etc.). Anyway, getting back to where I come from, I come from that LAST LINE of "Authentic" Pre-Capitalistic, Anti-Usury Hellenism-etc. on a Peasant-Agrarian (and then Urban-Proletarian) Basis. That's were I come from. Where you come from, ZIO-JEW, is from a group that was, as a group - and notwithstanding all the assimilated ("normal" and up to great Jews in European history) - at elite level involved in Historical anti-Christian USURY and International Trade (and in your Ghettos etc.) to an extent which has always been in GREAT "GROSS" DISPROPORTION to your numbers overall, and you consist one important - necessary but not sufficient (and by no means "majority causal" or the main cause) - WING, in and of the History of Capitalism, and you as a group have a LONG HISTORY of "Being Outside" most of the time UNTIL the ADVENT OF ZIO-USA c. 1900 (let's say c. WW1), where your Elites actually go on to Eventually become (lets say by c. WW2 to c. 1990) an ABSOLUTELY HUGE GROSSLY VASTLY HIGHLY GREATLY DISPROPORTIONATE PART of the (formerly WASP) USA ruling class, and as Human Beings, you obviously want to more or less Retain and Increase your forms of elite-level Power, whereas I want to Conserve My Cultural Identity-POWER in relation to its Historical Dimension as much as I can IN OUR TRIBAL HOMELANDS (and thus, we can all understand Hitler, and the National Socialists, and Heidegger and Schmitt and Conze et al., because if I were a German German and not a ZIO/JEW-German, I too would never have accepted ZIO-JEWS being GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATELY involved through PRIMITIVE SECRET SOCIETY NETWORKING in a whole range of elite-level positions I've described multiple times elsewhere (from Banking, Finance, the Law and Trade and Mass Media to Mass Entertainment and Universities and Politics/ Government Policy etc.). This of course does not mean I support Hitler et al. - I MOST DEFINITELY DO NOT SUPPORT HITLER - I AM PRO-GREECE AND PRO-HELLENISM ABOVE ALL,... AND ONLY THEN IF IT DOES NOT GO AGAINST GREECE/HELLENISM, (as in the case of c. 1918-c.1923), PRO-ORTHODOXY/RUSSIA-STALIN - SO I WOULD HAVE FOUGHT HITLER TO THE DEATH AS SOME OF MY ANCESTORS DID (- ATTENTION: I do not support Stalin Generally and UniVersally BUT Specifically and Concretely (as Russo-Orthodox Patrotism) AGAINST HITLER (as Invading Germany) and AGAINST GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE ZIO-JEW POWER IN THE SOVIET/RUSSIAN ELITE). But I can understand (Max Weber: verstehen) Hitler et al.). SO NOW, taking into account the FACTOR of POWER in all its manifestations, my Group and Tribe is definitely DOWN, almost OUT, and the way it's going, will be FULLY OUT FOREVER by about 2100. You, the ZIO-PEOPLE of SATAN - (that's the way I see you for obvious Historical Reasons of Capitalism and Associated Imperialisms/Colonialisms/Usurious Banking etc. Breaking up the Hellenic-world's largely pre-capitalistic Historical Continuity to such an Extent that most "Greeks" in Greece now are so De-Hellenised as to be Unrecognisable to me and my woman incl. under anti-Orthodox FEMINO-FAGGOTISED ZIO-USA CULTURAL IMPERIALISTIC-HEGEMONY)) -, are at some kind of Historical PEAK POWER and OBVIOUSLY you want it all to Continue on a ZIO-"multi-cultural" basis in what is left of the De-Christianised WEST, with, of course, from your point of view, ISRAEL having FULLY SHUT ZIO-BORDERS OF HATE/LOVE (wherever there is Hate, there is (potentially) Love as well, and vice versa - so any attempt to attribute generally and universally specific content as characteristic of specific groups and or acts in relation to Hate or Love is ABSOLUTELY non-scientific partisan GIBBERISH and totally COW-DUNG-BALDERDASH-NONSENSE (whether ZIO or NOT)), and not allowing a SIX (6) MILLION PEOPLE INFUSION of BLACK AFRICAN and or MUSULMAN People "Human Rights, We are all Equal" descent into that ZIO-STATE of LOVE for you, and HATE for me. Then there is all the (indirect) CENSORSHIP in the WEST (e.g. via Corporate-Private Service Providers etc. (re: Alex Jones et al.)), which the ABSOLUTELY FILTHY ZIO-JEWS (subjectively seen as a matter of Taste) and their comrades, PUSH FOR, and we all know that SCIENCE as SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION should be allowed to investigate EVERYTHING, but some areas are TODAY deemed ZIO-TABOO and punishable with Imprisonment in certain countries, SO, from a Scientific Point of VIEW, YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTELY STINKING FILTHY AND DISGUSTINGLY REVOLTING ZIO-POO, ZIO-SATANISTS!!! (Don't forget, even if your "Holocaust" involved 60 (SIXTY) million or 600 (SIX-HUNDRED MILLION) innocent deaths, I and Patriotic Han Man and Patriotic Hindu Man and Patriotic or Not Ape Man, et al., et al., et al. - i.e. all non-FULL-SPECTRUM-ZIO-LOBOTOMISED MEN, WOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK, because EVERY TRIBE MOURNS FOR THEIR OWN - UP TO MANY, MANY, MANY MILLIONS -, AND FOR YOU TO EXPECT US TO GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATELY MOURN FOR YOURS, WHILST YOU DON'T SIMPLY PROPORTIONATELY MOURN FOR OUR PEOPLES (e.g. see the School Curricula of Western countries, or what ZIO/USA Mass Media and Hollywood Mass Entertainment produces etc.), THEN FUCK YOU, YOU ABSOLUTELY FILTHY FUCKING DISGUSTING ANIMALS!!! FUCK YOU!!! DEATH TO SATAN!!! Anyway, so what can be done? Well, what will happen is that eventually "Western" multi-racial and multi-cultural societies will BREAK DOWN (whether in 100 or 1000 years, or whatever) because all societies EVENTUALLY break down (and re-form after a period or periods of Heightened but NEVER ABSOLUTE ANOMIE (because there is always some (if only a relatively little) degree of Social Order and Social Cohesion and Social Disciplining) - unless e.g. there is Nuclear and or Environmental WIPE-OUT), and if there are no Strong Christians LEFT and or no Strong WHITES left, OTHER MEN WILL DO THE JOB from the OUTSIDE and or from the INSIDE - be they Han Men and or Hindu Men and or Ape Men and or ??? Men, and until then, I, someone who belongs to an already essentially DEFEATED-DEAD GROUP (but who will always Fight the Final Fight until Death Takes ME TOO, because I LOVE MY TRIBE MORE THAN I LOVE LIFE ITSELF), can only say that for as long as l live, I shall always CURSE and ANATHEMATISE The Satanic Circus Monkey (for playing, inter alia, its not insignificant part in de-taching and de-coupling me from HOME), AND also ALWAYS say (Morning, Noon and Night):
If you don't care about even inquiring into social/group-fact DISPROPORTIONALITIES, then FAIR ENOUGH, that's your Right and Prerogative, and OBVIOUSLY you can Admire whomever you want, and BEFRIEND whomever you want, and even FULLY SUPPORT "multi-racial, diverse, multi-culturalism", etc.. DO ALL OF THAT, it might annoy me, it might SHIT me, it might PISS ME OFF, but I know you have the Right in your MIND at least, and of course AT LAW too if THE LAW provides for such Rights, to see the world the way you see the world and accordingly participate in the world thus, and I can understand ALL THAT (verstehen, ἰδεῖν, ξεύρειν - χὰχὰχὰχὰχά!), SO ENJOY YOUR LIFE as much as you can, because I REALLY DID ENJOY those brief moments of TOTAL HELLENISM (LOVE) with my parents and extended family and then with my woman and my Fellow Tribal Warriors AWAY FROM THE DIFFERENCE AND THE HATE OF THE ZIO-OTHER, AND ALL THE OTHER OTHERS.
I have read or skim-read a lot of STUFF (whether sitting on the toilet in the dunny or not) (or: I DO NOT have anything BETTER to suggest, because I might be "CRAZY", but I also understand what REALITY is FULLY - or rather as much as a human being can understand REALITY)
I have read or skim-read a lot of STUFF which has a fairly high standard, not infrequently (but very selectively and more often than not obfuscatorily) refers to (all-time) great, good(ish) and OK and other thinkers, including those (CLOWNS) whose surnames end in e.g. ****berg and who market themselves as a kind or species (genus) of "Conservative", but the reality is all of that constitutes - fairly obviously - the drawing of the ideological Battle-Lines to justify the ZIO(-UK/USA)-PROTESTANT(-CATHOLIC)-CAPITALISM-USURIOUS SATAN-Compact of Satanic Circus Monkey HATE-FILLED EVIL DEVIL HELL (that last part is Highly subjectively put as a matter of Taste), which goes back centuries, and completely misunderstands and or completely obfuscates (ZIO-DEFORMS and ZIO-OTHERISES and ZIO-MISREPRESENTS) Societas Civilis, Oligarchic Bourgeois Liberalism, Mass Democracy, The New Times, The Enlightenment, Capitalism, Marxism, Colonialism, Imperialism, The Slave Trade, The American Civil War, The Cold War, Globalisation, Planetary Politics, Circles (of Huge, Tremendous (Elite) Interests), GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE ZIO-ACCUMULATIONS, CONCENTRATIONS AND CRYSTAL(LISATION)S OF FORMS OF POWER IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES IN CERTAIN AREAS, DOMAINS, REALMS, FIELDS, DISCIPLINES, SECTORS, etc.. But "fair enough". IT IS THEIR WORLD. And it is INEVITABLE that they would have their intellectuals,... justifying it,... and hoping it can be prolonged. [[To be fair "all round", I know of a ****stein who Consistently Displays a Very High Standard of Analysis, and in Greece the CLOWNS compared to the good to excellent analysts, taking into consideration all (mass) media, are the absolute majority, and as one would expect, FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO/USA-ZIO/GERMAN-ZIO/FRANK-LOBOTOMISED PARROT-RETARDS.]]
Don't think that if you think that I am an ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE that I do not understand that SCIENCE does not GIVE A FUCK if there is a SOCIETY FILLED with Feminists FILLED with Homosexuals FILLED with People of Colour FILLED with Mohammedans FILLED with all sorts and kinds with all sorts and kinds of more proportionate to GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE DISTRIBUTIONS OF (GROUP) FORMS OF POWER, taking lots of DRUGS, popping lots of PILLS, tattooing lots of TATTOOS, piercing lots of RINGS, spreading lots of DISEASES, having lots of DEPRESSION, having lots of LONELINESS, having lots of BURGLARIES, and whatever else.
Ἡ μικροπολιτική, τὰ μικροπολιτικὰ συμφέροντα
Ἡ μικροπολιτική, τὰ μικροπολιτικὰ συμφέροντα π.χ. σχετικὰ μὲ τοὺς Σκοπιανοὺς ("Macedonians") ἤ τοὺς Εἰσβολεῖς («Μετανᾶστες»), δηλαδὴ ἡ ἀντιπαράθεσις, ἡ σύγκρουσις, ἡ Κατάστασις Μίσους Ἐμφυλίου Ἔχθρας μεταξὺ π.χ. ἐθνομηδενισμοῦ καὶ ἐθνικισμοῦ (ΣΥΡΙΖΑ/ΚΚΕ ἐν. ΧΡΥΣΗΣ ΑΥΓΗΣ, κ.τ.λ.) σίγουρα θὰ ἀποτελέσῃ τὸ ΣΙΓΟΥΡΟ ΤΕΛΟΣ ἩΜΩΝ (πρὸς ὄφελος ξένων ἐθνικισμῶν καὶ ἰμπεριαλισμῶν - τῶν Γερμανῶν, τῶν Τούρκων, τῶν Ἀμερικανῶν (μετ' Ἄγγλων), τῶν Ἰσραηλινῶν, τῶν Ῥώσσων, τῶν Ἰταλῶν, τῶν Γάλλων, κ.ο.κ.), ἄν δὲν ξεπεραστῇ ἀπὸ ἕναν πατριωτισμὸν ἐθνικόν, εἴτε μὲ δημοκρατικὰ (προτιμητέα) ἤ μὲ πιὸ αὐταρχικὰ (μὴ προτιμητέα, ἀλλὰ ἴσως ἀναγκαῖα ἤ καὶ ἀκόμα κι ἀναπόφευκτα) πρόσημα, ποὺ Σχεδιάζει ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΩΣ καὶ πράττει ΤΑΚΤΙΚΩΣ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΣΥΝΑΙΝΕΤΙΚΩΣ ΣΥΜΒΙΒΑΣΤΙΚΩΣ ῬΕΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΩΣ γιὰ τὸ ΕΘΝΟΣ καὶ τὸ ΚΡΑΤΟΣ τῶν ὅλων Ἑλλήνων (ἀσχέτως καταγωγῆς, ἀλλὰ κυρίως τῶν Ὀρθοδόξων ἤ καὶ Ἐκκοσμικευμένων-Ἀθέων Ἑλλήνων) μὲ ἀπόλυτον ΣΟΒΑΡΟΤΗΤΑΝ καὶ μὲ ἀπόλυτον ῬΕΑΛΙΣΜΟΝ, τὴ δημογραφική, ἀμυντική, οἰκονομική, τεχνολογικὴ καὶ πολιτισμικὴ ΕΠΙΒΙΩΣΙΝ καὶ ΔΙΑΙΩΝΙΣΙΝ τοῦ ἡμῶν ὍΛΩΝ Γένους.
Who said Sancho Panza has to be Objective, can Control his Passions, and cannot Play the Part of an Eastern Roman (Greco-Hellene) Satirical Literary Persona who has had more AUTO-LOBOTOMIES than SATAN trying to get back into the GARDEN OF EDEN?
"In the wrong" (or: There always has to be "right and wrong" (for a modicum of (human-)social order) - the interesting question is who defines "right and wrong", who enforces and or punishes "right and wrong", and who (including through what means - e.g. Brute Force and or Primitive Secret Society Networking combined with Blackmail, Defamation, De-Platforming, Causing Unemployment, Defining Mental Illness, etc.) can get away with "it") (or: The Right-Doer)
"In the wrong" is an interesting phrase, which means someone or something is "in the wrong" according to a particular ethical/moral and or legal "system" or set of relations and or in accordance with particular Group Interests, Perspectives, etc.. Being "in the wrong", though, means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when the "wrong-doer" is powerful enough a) to get away with it (i.e. "the wrong-doing"), and especially also when b) "the wrong-doer" can impose what is "right and wrong" on others... up to everyone else (at least in theory) in order to become "the right-doer".
This is quoted within an article (bold by ME)
"There is a genuinely exceptional aspect of American nationalism, however, that dates to colonial times. John Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur, a French nobleman who fought in the French and Indian War before settling as a farmer in New York, published near the end of the Revolutionary War a treatise in which he posed the question “What is an American?” He answered it by saying that Americans “are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes. From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans has arisen.”"
And this Claim is immediately made:
"As other races and ethnicities fully entered the picture, the American melting pot has not always smoothly produced a well-blended stew, but the concept that Americans are not defined by blood or ethnicity has endured."
What is overlooked - and of course the writer has the right and gives himself the right to overlook whatever he wants; after all he never claims (as far as I am aware) that he engages in Absolutely Consistent SCIENCE - is that the relatively white mix to which the French nobleman refers (cum Southern (and Eastern) Europeans), was the basis of the relatively white mix for the up to 88-90% or 80% relatively white American nation until c. 1960 or c. 1980, as the case may be. Of course, if a nation wants to further change its racial mix, it is not going to cease being a nation if other factors of nationhood are present, starting with Political-Legal Domination Over Specific, Concrete Territory, but also including up to shared common and or main language(s), shared interest in national History, Myths, etc., (the remnants of) shared customs, or whatever else may apply to every particular, concrete case in question. [[Now whether a nation can continue being a nation - and for how long - and at what levels of social cohesion and social order, on a multi-racial, "multi-cultural" basis (even though the relatively mono-cultural cultural aspect of Hedonistic ("I shop (and borrow money, and pay the Jew (ZIO) ("SATAN") - and others - interest), therefore, I am") Consumption is an underlying relatively mono-cultural cultural aspect of most of the so-called "multi-cultural" basis of Western mass-democratic so-called "multi-cultural societies"), is another matter altogether (as is the question of GROSSLY (VASTLY, HIGHLY, GREATLY) DISPROPORTIONATE accumulations, concentrations and crystal(lisation)s of Group Power and Wealth including through PRIMITIVE SECRET SOCIETY NETWORKING AND OTHER FORMS OF PERFIDY, GANGSTERISM ETC.) (N.B. good, solid points are made in the article in question about the Soviet Union and India (though I'd add that there probably already is a not insignificant gap between the percentage of the population with High Collective/Group Consciousness as Hindus in India compared to Whites in the USA) - something worth thinking about).]] [[This Site is by no means a Fan of Evola, and P.K. never referred to him, and furthermore, there are a whole host of things one could disagree with Evola about in this article, including the way he narrowly or one-sidedly defines or alludes to defining what a "real" "Empire" is,... to fit in with his own preferences and the skewed ways he saw the world (and also it is quite clear he does not (fully) grasp that in politics - geo- or other politics - there are never and cannot ever be any permanent as in forever, and forever cast-in-stone, Friends and Foes etc.), but on the other hand, who could possibly deny there's a lot in this article which is (sort of kind of - at least) SPOT-ON (like it or not!) including in relation to the GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE influence etc. - at Elite Levels - of members of a particular Group on another Group or other Groups, etc. - but the reason why the article is really worth studying is that it gets you to think about History again from a whole range of "other angles" which by no means - obviously - have to "comply with the Evola Line", but which can be the springboard for a whole range of "other thoughts" "springing from, but going in different directions to, "the Evola Line"": (https://www.counter-currents.com/2018/11/the-jew-disraeli-the-construction-of-the-merchants-empire/?temp-new-window-replacement=true) (+ this is a very enjoyable and fairly solid - analytically - "pod" (like "two peas in a pod" (Stan Laurel)) - I'll just add that there is this, inter alia, not insignificant historical (York) connection between the (Greco-)Roman world and England: "Constantine came to Britain with his father, the emperor Constantius, in 305", etc., etc., etc.,...
Monopolies, Duopolies, Oligopolies, Trusts, Cartels, Corporations, Top/ High-End-of-Town-Deep-State-or-Whatever Massive Corruption, Private Service Provider and or Government Censorship, Cancers, Division, Cliques, Gangsters, Elites, Primitive Secret Societies, Mafias, Political Parties, Lobby (Special Interest) Groups, The Military/ Industrial Complex, Blob, Swamp, Drain, etc., etc., etc.,... (or: whilst nothing lasts forever, and the problems could be much deeper and much more "structural" than what they seem (including Increasing ANOMIE), and whilst the exception today can become potentially the norm (the day after, the day after, the day after,...) tomorrow, for now, Strong is THE LOCK)
Monopolies, Duopolies, Oligopolies, Trusts, Cartels, Corporations, Top/ High-End-of-Town-Deep-State-or-Whatever Massive Corruption, Private Service Provider and or Government Censorship, Cancers, Division, Cliques, Gangsters, Elites, Primitive Secret Societies, Mafias, Political Parties, Lobby (Special Interest) Groups, The Military/ Industrial Complex, Blob, Swamp, Drain, etc., etc., etc.,... there really is a lot to be said about the state of current "Western" societies which one could look at as negative. Democracies - on one view as to polity, it is sure as Hell absolutely certain they ain't; Mass Democracy as social organisation compared to other historical forms of social organisation, is another way of looking at things (absolutely sound and In-the-Spirit-of-Max Weber-ideal-typically APPROVED). At the end of the day, most people are and or seem to be Consuming, most people are and or seem to be living to 80+ years of age, most people think things are at least sort of OK, and we all know, things could be a lot WORSE, and if the masses are thus more or less sort of kind of SATISFIED more or less - irrespective of who is Controlling (to what extent) what Thought (the Brain-Washing), what Laws, what Speech (the Censorship - indirect or direct), - in the Public Space -, and irrespective of what the Profits for whomever Are, and if the State is - at least for now and the foreseeable future at least fairly Secure - Observers can Observe, Observers can Complain, Observers can make a whole number of Good, Valid and TRUE Points, and Suggest whatever they want, BUT "the system" knows how to Survive, knows about Self-Preservation, it has a Lot of Tricks Up its Sleeve, is Flexible, Bends, and is not too concerned about all the Fine Points and Niceties of Justice as long as its Survival and Perpetuation, its Self-Preservation and its Power's Extension (or at least Retention, or even (relative) Diminution Management) are not Threatened. And by the way, do any of US really have a REAL viable, realistic Alternative which can Take ROOT in the REAL WORLD and PULL OFF SOMETHING LAST-YOU and LOVE-YOU-LONG-TIME "BETTER"?
Listen here, YOU FUCKING FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED SMART-ARSE!!! (or: when the Satirical Literary Persona of this Site "goes Bananas", don't pay any attention, nobody wants to change any laws or do anything else, but a Persona has a Right - does it not - to "BE INSANE"?) (or: Because you of course - as it "just happens" - are the Arbiter of Sanity and Insanity, Oppression, Repression and Freedom, Right and Wrong, Good and Evil) (or: Despite Saying all of this, and Saying all of that, and Saying all of Everything, I can still do an AT arms-length business transaction, in very very very POLITE (albeit at times SARCASTIC(ALLY meant)) Language and Body Language, etc., with a Jew and or with a Protestant and or with a Catholic and or with a Muslim and or with an Atheist and or with a Black and or with a Feminist and or with a Homosexual, even with a TranSexual and or whatever, et al. - no problemo whatsoever - if the transaction is Honest Business (with acceptable levels of Unspoken Dishonesty, both parties are probably aware is Happening) and at-Arms-LENGTH (I wouldn't do any business apart from at-Arms-LENGTH business with someone from an OUT-TRIBE to me, ANYWAY)
Ξεύρω γιὰ κάποιον μεσήλικα καὶ βᾶλε, τώρα, ἐσχάτως, προσφάτως, ἀπὸ τὴν Μυτιλήνη, ἀμπάρωσε τὸ σπίτι του (δὲν κάμνει διαφορὰ αὐτό, τὰ ΒΟΘΡΟΠΙΘΗΚΙΑ τὰ ΣΙΧΑΜΑΤΑ θὰ μποῦνε μέσα καὶ θὰ τὸ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΕΨΟΥΝ ἔτσι κι ἀλλιῶς μετὰ τῆς πλήρους ΣΥΝΕΝΑΙΣΕΩΣ τῶν ΒΟΘΡΟΠΙΘΗΚΩΝ «Ἑλλήνων» τῶν Κομμάτων (Οὕλων) καὶ τῶν ΣΑΤΑΝΟ-ΜΚΟ, ἅ Κυκλοφοροῦν τὸ ΧΡΗΜΑ), πῆγε Ἀθήνας μετὰ τῶν αὐτοῦ τριῶν σκυλιῶν νὰ διαμείνῃ εἰς ἕν διαμέρισμα κοτέτσι μὲ γριὰ μάνα ἄρρωστη καὶ ἀδερφή, καὶ τὰ δῦο ἀδέρφια δὲν ἔκαμνεν ΠΟΤΕΣ οἰκογένειες, οὔτε ἕν παιδί, ἕν τέκνο,... καὶ δὲν πρόκειται ΠΟΤΕΣ νὰ κάμνουν, καὶ ἡ Σύνδεση Γένους καὶ Ἐδάφους ΧΑΝΕΤΑΙ μέσα ἀπὸ τὰ χέρια μας, φεύγουν αἱ ἀγέννητες γενεαὶ καὶ ΕΡΧΕΤΑΙ ἡ ΠΙΘΗΚΟΚΟΛΑΣΙΣ τῶν ΒΟΘΡΟΠΙΘΗΚΩΝ τῆς ΑΝΟΜΙΑΣ καὶ τοῦ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟΥ ΣΙΧΑΜΕΝΟΥ τῆς ΜΗ-ἙΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΗΣ (ὑποκειμενικὴ κρίσις, ἀρεσκείας καὶ ἀπαρεσκείας περί). Ξεύρω ἐπίσης γιὰ ἕναν νέον, ΠΑΛΛΗΚΑΡΙ, ΛΕΒΕΝΤΗ, ΧΩΡΙΑΝΟ, γεμᾶτος ΔΙΨΑΝ γιὰ ζωή, Ῥωμηὸς Ἕλλην μὲ τὸ ΣΠΑΘΙ, Κομμουνοφέρων κάπως ἔστω συμβολικῶς μόνον καὶ πράγματι ἐλαχίστως (ποτὲς κομματικά), καὶ ΚΑΤΕΛΗΞΕ ἐκεῖ (ἐδῶ) εἰς ΑΠΟΙΚΙΑΝ ΠΟΙΝΙΚΗ. Τὸ πάλεψε, ὅμως καὶ ἐν τούτοις, καὶ ΜΕΤΕΔΩΣΕ ὅτι μποροῦσε, καὶ τώρα ἡ Ζωή του Τελείωσε (ὁ πατέρας μου), Καὶ τὸ χειρώτερο ἀπ' ὅλα ΕΙΝΑΙ, ὅτι ὅσον ἀφορᾷ τὴν πρώτην ἰστοριοῦλαν, μήπως εἶναι ἤδη ΑΡΓΑ;
If I were,... (The Ecstasy and the Agony of Belonging to The TRIBE of TRIBES, AMEN, DEATH TO SATAN!!!) (or: one cannot even keep one's powder dry, if one has not any powder) (or: Even though ALL TRIBAL WARRIORS who have been to WAR and RETURNED (COME BACK) and have a Brain, don't want war, they know they have to have THEIR Tribe PREPARED... either way... READY...)...
If I were,... a Hindu Man, I would be going Hindu Ballistic, and would also be Warming Up my NUCLEAR WEAPONS (though first, I'd have to leave the Before Time/After Time Realm and Cut the Fucking FLOATING, and put both feet on the Earth of THIS WORLD and take all of my Body out of the OTHER WORLD). If I were,... a Han Man, I would be going Han Ballistic (and YELLING: MAO! MAO! MAO!), and would also be Warming Up my NUCLEAR WEAPONS. If I were,... A Representative of SATAN - oh wait! I can NEVER be (as far as my fundamental world view is concerned), A Representative of SATAN, though I can be SATAN to and for Others (I won't name here). SO, If I were,... a Rus Man (a Rus Man is a little bit like a Hellenic-Roman Man, a little bit like a very Distant COUSIN, or more accurately NEPHEW, or rather GODSON, of ours, whom I want to LOVE, but am not allowed to...),... anyway, If I were,... a Rus Man, I would be going Rus Ballistic, and would also be Warming Up my NUCLEAR WEAPONS. If I were,... an APE MAN, I wouldn't be needing NUCLEAR WEAPONS, because SO MANY OF US ARE COMING that EVENTUALLY by Weight of NUMBERS we would get NUCLEAR DAMAGE DONE (and we really don't want to NUCLEAR-BOMB - I mean RADIATE - OURSELVES, there's SO MUCH CANNIBALISING TO DO. YUM!). But Because My TRIBE is PATHETIC, all I can dream of - even though we shall Fight the Final Fight until we all DIE and cannot any longer FIGHT FINALLY - all I can dream of is OUR PAST (and myths). And it is (they are) LIKE NO OTHER.
If I were a country and the USA said to me "Open Your Economy" (or: DO you seriously think that other Nations with VERY LONG PROUD HISTORIES (much much much LONGER and just as PROUD or much more PROUD, PROUDER than yours - Chairman MAO SAY: "FUUUCK-KKK YOU!!!) are going to put up with your MICKEY MOUSE BULLSHIT FOREVER?) (or: Little, Tiny, Puny countries - Pathetic as they are - might be VERY VERY VERY PROUD and might have VERY VERY VERY LONG HISTORIES (via their civilisations), but have to SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BASICALLY DO AS THEY'RE TOLD, because WEAKLINGS have no SAY, AND ARE INVARIABLY TOLD WHAT TO DO)
If I were a country and the USA said to me "Open Your Economy", the first thing I'd want to know is what percentage of the USA's billionaires are (part-)JEWS and what percentage of the world's billionaires are (part-)JEWS, and then I'd want to find out what percentage of the USA population are (part-)JEWS and what percentage of the world's population are (part-)JEWS, as well as to what extent Jews are involved in "multi-national" corporations (International Banking and Finance ("High Finance"), The International MARKETS), compared to the percentage of the world "multi-national" population, in TOTO, AND OF COURSE, WHEN ISRAEL IS GOING TO FULLY OPEN UP ITS BORDERS TO SIX (6) MILLION HIGHLY INTELLIGENT (HI-IQ) BLACK AFRICANS AND AESTHETICALLY BEAUTIFUL BROWNISH MOHAMMEDANS. AND THOSE FACTS (& FIGURES) - you could even stick them in an e.g. CIA WORLD FACT BOOK -, I'M ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, WOULD MAKE FOR VERY INTERESTING READING.
I told one of my friends, (but - ssshhhhhhh - I didn't tell him Everything)
I told one of my friends, who's got Jews on the Brain (if you think I've got "Jews on the Brain", you ain't seen nothing yet, wait till you meet one of my Jewish friends!), that there is a very simple solution to getting Jews off the Brain. What I told him was: "find and get into a Time Machine which works, and go to a part of the Roman Empire in the East of e.g. the 6th to 8th century A.D., where there was no or hardly any International Trade, and all you'd be seeing is GOD and THE VIRGIN MARY. Then you'd believe in all The Saints and in JESUS, and have no need for JUDAS."
Why was, why is,... (or: The Political and Politics, without being Explicit) (or: I do know about his father, you know, and it is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING IRRELEVANT)
Why was, why is,... Raymond Aron so Great? Because he displayed a Level of Seriousness, a Level of General Historical and Theoretical Knowledge of the Classics in Sociology, History and "Philosophy" (The Motions and Emotions of the Powers), a Level of Analytical Ability, which (and notwithstanding a number of not insignificant points one could raise with him in the After Death LAND) - whilst they don't make him One of the Very, Very, Very Greatest, PUT HIM High, VERY HIGH. Raymond Aron was and will always be (for as long as there is a little bit of Western civilisation left), A GREAT TEACHER. And I always read him with (critical) Reverence. [[In the case of Karl Mannheim, there is a Great Deal to be challenged by in - and to learn from - his works (e.g. regarding the sociology of knowledge), but what STANDS OUT, is the way he showed that Marx's concept of Ideology cannot and should not and must not but be applied to Marxism as Ideology, if we want to be Serious and Get REAL about engaging in Science and calling ourselves "Scientists".]]
If in OUR LIVES my woman and I cannot have all our grandparents, cannot have grandchildren, in the PLACE of our Ancestors, if that CRIME was done to US, and the International Trading, Banking, Financing Jew, and Capitalistic-Imperialistic Protestant-Catholic and Others, Had a Hand in doing those Crimes to US (even though OUR GROUP - OUR TRIBE - and WE OURSELVES ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST TO BE BLAMED), then we have been JEWED, we have been PROTESTANTISED and FALLEN to all the other SATANIC CRIMES OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF SATAN, and we shall NOT forget EVER the ZIO-ANGLO-GERMANIC-PROTESTANT-PAPIST-AND OTHERISING HATE, that CRIME AGAINST OUR HUMANITY.
There is a problem with International Free Trade, which (or: when History plays FUNNY GAMES with the Future)
There is a problem with International Free Trade, which Eventually the Free Traders are not Eventually going to be able to Get Around. AND that is the Finiteness of Resources, the Continual Tightening of the, or Already Tightened, Planetary (Global) Economy and Mesh Thereof, the Existence of Elites who want their own Spaces, the Existence of People and Peoples who want a Better for Them Distribution of STUFF, THE APE GOING APE-BERSERK, and probably a lot of other problems which I cannot think of now. Hence, there are a myriad of Problems COMING UP, and International Trade is not going to be able to Get Them to Come Around to the International Trade-View of THINGS, and PROFITS are not going to Continue the way the Free Traders want them to Continue, FOREVER (they'll eventually have to COME DOWN). In other words, Stalin and Mao, as BAD as they were - and they were VERY BAD in terms of Killing and Drawing BLOOD, LOTS OF BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD - will in part, maybe larger than you think, in the future, REPEAT: Stalin and Mao (and standing behind them, ol' VLAD), might or even will, actually, have some RELEVANCE. [[Also, I have a Feeling, and I could be Completely Wrong, that the ZIO-GLOBO-HOMO-GLOBO-SATANISTS ARE AFRAID that BLOCS OR SPHERES ARE COMING, AND THEY WANT THEIR BLOC-SPHERE TO BE FLOODED BY THE APE-FLOOD OF OPEN ANOMIC FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED OPEN BORDERS (WHILST ISRAEL KEEPS ITS SHOP TOTALLY SHUT, "OF COURSE", AS IT "JUST HAPPENS"), BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY WILL CONTINUE MAKING HUGE PROFITS IN CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE TOTALLY ANOMIC APE, BONG, BONG, BONG, BONGO!... EVEN IF THE BLOCS AND OR SPHERES COME INTO BEING HARD, (FAST) AND TIGHT.]]
This should be obvious, but it's very hard for people to FULLY GET (or: Why the Real Implications of the Thought of Machiavelli, Montaigne, de Sade, La Mettrie and Max Weber, inter alia, Will FOREVER BE ON THE SIDELINES IN THE PERIPHERY OF THE MARGINS - AT BEST)
This should be obvious, but it's very hard for people to FULLY GET. Unless one is capable of looking at everything possible from every fucking angle, taking into consideration as much of the Present Era and as much of History as is possible, including CONSULTING the MOST MALIGNED - by some or many or nearly ALL - sources, or rather, analyses (because usually sources of FACTS are not per se or should not per se be maligned at all, UNLESS OF COURSE,...),... if they have at least a modicum or some MERIT,... then one cannot make Social-Ontologically and Anthropologically Accurate Statements, let alone Engage in Completely Consistent Science.
Just because we (vehemently) disagree (or: It depends) (or: there's a pleasure in doing Damage to a Foreign Alien Barbarian Tongue Imposed on THEE)
Just because we (vehemently) disagree on one thing, or on some things, or on a lot of things, it doesn't mean, it certainly don't mean, it definitely DO NOT mean, we can't agree on one thing, or on some things, or on a lot of other things. Nor does any of this mean, I necessarily have to and must, ought to obligatorily HATE you, or LOVE you, or be indifferent towards you. It depends.
Συγγνώμη ποὺ τὸ λέω,... (ἤ: ἡ Τελευταία Μάχη)
Συγγνώμη ποὺ τὸ λέω,... ἀλλὰ ἡ τρόπον τινὰ χαλκοκονδύλεια ἑρμηνεία τοῦ Πλανήτου τῆς Πλανητικῆς Ἐποχῆς δὲν ἀφήνει περιθώρια μῆτε διὰ Αἰσιοδοξίαν, μῆτε διὰ κάποια τῆς Ἱστορίας Φιλοσοφίαν, τῆς Προόδου Ἔννοιαν. Ἐν τούτοις, ἀφοῦ εἴμεθα ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙ, καὶ δὲν εἴμεθα ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗ, αὐτοί, οἵ Ἀγωνίζονται, π.χ. διὰ τὸ Ἔθνος, τὸ Γένος, τὴν Πατρίδαν, τὴν Φυλὴν (ἄν χρησιμοποιεῖται αὐτὸν τὸν ὅρον,... - ἀλλά, ὄντως, δημιουργεῖ αὐτομάτως πολλὰς παρεξηγήσεις ἄνευ συγκεκριμμένου ὁρισμοῦ, καὶ κάλλιον νὰ ἀποφεύγεται ὁ τοιοῦτος ὅρος), πρέπει, ὀφείλουν, ἀναγκάζονται, ἔχουν Ἀνάγκη νὰ δώσουν τὴν ἑκάστη τους Μάχην, ὡσὰν νὰ ἦτο ἡ τοιαύτη Μάχη, ἡ Μάχη ἡ Τελευταία.
Hate-Love-Love-Hate, Hurt-Good-Good-Hurt Feelings (or: The Bankers, The Financiers, The Corporate Types, The PsychoPaths in the Mass Media and in Mass Entertainment, THE TV SATAN-PEOPLE and THE Satanists (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Atheist, et al.) Are Going to Tell Me, are Going to Tell Us, what to THINK, what MORALS to have, what VALUES, what THINGS to believe in, etc. - YEAH SURE, "That'll be the DAY!")
Hate-Love-Love-Hate, Hurt-Good-Good-Hurt Feelings. Everyone has them. One person is Hurt by being called a Wog (Nigger, Dago, Kike, Spic, ChingCHONG, etc.), another is Hurt by seeing an Invader, let alone seeing an Invader commit a Crime against a Compatriot, let alone when being the Victim of an Invader's Crime DIRECTLY. TO SAY THAT ALL HUMANS, REGARDLESS OF POSITION, REGARDLESS OF VALUES, REGARDLESS OF CHARACTER, REGARDLESS, DO NOT HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR LOVE AND HATE, GOOD FEELINGS AND HURT FEELINGS, IS TO SAY THAT YOU ARE A TOTALLY ZIO-LOBOTOMISED DUMB-FUCK RETARD. Now, the Question of What the LAW defines as Hate or Love or Anything Else is Ultimately a Question of POWER (knowlege is a question and matter of Power too, but of a different kind and manifestation of social-group-individual power), and we all know which GROUP (with their many bought-by-Money-Friends-and-CockSuckers of course for "Money, Money, Money, it must be FUNNY, in a Rich Man's World") wields GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE forms of POWER, including through PRIMITIVE SECRET SOCIETY NETWORKING, inter alia, in certain countries.
Ὑπὸ τὴν καθοδήγησιν τοῦ Σατανᾶ (ἀκόμα ὑπάρχουν κᾶτι ἐφημερῖδες καθημερινὲς ποὺ κάνουν τὸ βῆμα ἵνα ποῦν νέα,... πές, πές, πές)...
Ὑπὸ τὴν καθοδήγησιν τοῦ Σατανᾶ, τὸ μόνο πιθανὸ ἀποτέλεσμα θὰ εἶναι ὅτι ἡ Ἑλλὰς εἰς ὀλίγας δεκαετίας δὲν θὰ ὑπάρχῃ πουθενά, κομματιασμένη εἰς ἀποκόμματα καὶ χωρὶς ἑλληνικὸ πληθυσμό. Λοιπόν, συνεχίσετε νὰ λαμβάνετε Γραμμὴ ἀπὸ Πρεσβείας (καὶ νὰ μὴν συμβαίνῃ αὐτὸ - (τὸ πιστεύει κανεὶς ὅτι αὐτὸ δὲν συμβαίνει;) - εἶσθε σὰν ὅλα τὰ «λογικὰ» πολιτικὰ κόμματα τοῦ κυβερνητικοῦ τόξου, «πουλημένοι»), καὶ συνεχίσετε τὰς τοῦ Σατανᾶ κολακείας, ἀλλὰ ἄν δὲν μάθουμε ὡσὰν ΕΘΝΟΣ - ἐμεῖς θὰ μάθουμεν, σοβαρολογεῖς; - νὰ Δουλεύουμε μὲ τὸν Σατανᾶ (ἀφοῦ δὲν ὑπάρχει ἄλλη ἐπιλογή), καὶ ταυτοχρόνως νὰ Δουλεύουμεν τὸν Σατανᾶν (Αὐτὸς θὰ τὸ καταλάβῃ ἀμέσως, ἀλλὰ ὁ Σατανᾶς εἶναι Πρακτικός, καὶ θὰ ξεύρῃ ἐν τοιαύτῃ περιπτώσει - μέχρις ἐκεῖ ποὺ μᾶς πάει - δὲν θὰ ἔχει Αὐτὸς ἐπιλογή), τότες ἄς Βαδίσουμε Ὅλοι Μπροστὰ πρὸς τὸ Μέλλον, ὅταν θὰ ὑπάρχῃ - ἄνευ Ἐλλάδος τε καὶ Κύπρου - καὶ ἄλλων μεταξύ, ἡ Ἀμερική, ἡ Ῥωσσία, ἡ Γερμανία, ἡ Κίνα, ἡ Τουρκία, ἡ Ἱνδία, ἡ Ἰαπωνία, ἡ Γαλλία, ἡ Αἴγυπτος, τὸ Ἰσραῆλ. Μπρᾶβο μας, Συγχαρητήρια. Καὶ Χρόνια Πολλά, Καλὴ Συνέχεια! (Καὶ μὴν ξεχάσετε νὰ συμπεριλάβετε καὶ ἄρθρο ἀπὸ Προφεσόρο τῆς Σουαζιλάνδης τὴν ἑπομένη, ποὺ θὰ μᾶς πῇ ὄξω ἀπ' τὰ δόντια ὅτι τὸ ΚΑΖΑΝ-ΚΑΖΑΝ μὲ τὴν Τουρκίαν πρέπει νὰ γίνῃ μὲ τέτοιον τρόπον ἐπιστημονικόν, μετὰ τέτοιου τρόπου ἐπιστημονικωτάτου, ποὺ ἡ Ἑλλὰς θὰ φτάνῃ τουλάχιστον ὥς τὴν Εὔβοιαν, ἵνα σώσουμεν τὴν Πατρίδαν τοῦ Σκαρίμπα, τουλάχιστον, ἐφόσον ὅλα τὰ ἄλλα περίπου μᾶς τὰ πῆραν, μᾶς τὰ παίρνουν, καὶ θὰ μᾶς τὰ πάρουν). [[Φωνὴ ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ - ἴσως πολλὰ λείπουν, ἴσως πολλὰ δύνανται νὰ συζητηθοῦν, ἴσως ὑπάρχουν καὶ ἀστοχίας, ἀλλὰ εἶναι μία Φωνή, καὶ ὅταν πάψῃ -μιὰ μέρα θὰ πάψῃ, δὲν ἠμπορεῖ νὰ μὴν πάψῃ, ὅλαι αἱ φωναὶ παύουν, καὶ ἡ δική μου, καὶ ἡ δική σου, καὶ ἡ τοῦ αὐτουνοῦ, ὅλων... θὰ ὑπάρχῃ ἄλλο Φωνὴ (ἑλληνική); (http://www.kathimerini.gr/998036/opinion/epikairothta/politikh/to-diakommatiko-noshma?temp-new-window-replacement=true)]]
Let's use our imagination, let's look into a Crystal Ball
Let's use our imagination, let's look into a Crystal Ball, and let's SAY that in the FUTURE there are no more white people, and let's SAY certain European languages (once significant) DIE OUT, such as Greek, and let's SAY that Christianity exists NO MORE and cannot even syncretise (morph) into SOMETHING ELSE, and let's SAY that humans still exist,... then if Humans still exist, i.e. IF HUMANS STILL EXIST, they're going to form new (versions of old) Groups, and those Groups EVENTUALLY - some of them at least - are going to COALESCE, and after the coalescence - particularly under conditions of WANT - they might or could or WILL GET TOUGH, and then they are going to look AROUND, and then they are going to SEE AND PERCEIVE AND NOTICE THE SATANIC CIRCUS MONKEY COMPOUND (AND BUNKER), and then - with very, very, very Hungry LEADERS - they are going to start LICKING THEIR LIPS, BECAUSE EVEN THE REPRESENTATIVES OF SATAN, DO NOT LAST FOREVER.
Australia was (or: it'll be - if it ever comes about - a different kind of sort of mix of Nationalism)
Australia was - to anyone who is old enough to remember, CLEARLY and SELF-EVIDENTLY a White Country - GROSSO MODO - of a solid British-Irish Base until the 1970s and even into the 1980s to a great extent, but under ZIO-USA Imperialistic-like Military and Cultural Hegemony, both the Population was Changed and the Population was by and large FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISED (ALL GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATELY (INCL. THROUGH PRIMITIVE SECRET SOCIETY NETWORKING) ZIO-LINKED AND OR ZIO-INFLUENCED MASS MEDIA AND INSTITUTIONAL-EDUCATIONAL ZIO-INDOCTRINATION, ASSUME AND IMPLY THAT ISRAEL IS TO HAVE FULLY SHUT BORDERS AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING SIX (6) MILLION AESTHETICALLY BEAUTIFUL PITCH-BLACK BLACK AFRICANS AND HIGH-IQ BROWNISH MOHAMMEDANS), against what seemed ABSOLUTELY NORMAL only a couple of decades beforehand (white-settler colony (Hobsbawm), then White Australia Policy), and so, whilst Australia could well become more Nationalistic as the Century Progresses (History has Many Surprises in Store for the Future), Realistically, a Return to 1925... or... 1932... is NOT on the Cards, no matter how much you might (a small minority might) WANT IT.
This to me, is pretty FUNNY (or: Always being IN CHURCH)
This to me, is pretty FUNNY, and I don't care, in fact I don't give a FUCK what you think (and I don't want to change your mind either). ANYWAY, when I was about 18 or 20 or even 24 I thought that in Marxism-Leninism-Trotskyism(Crypto-ZIO-Entryism)-Stalinism-Maoism-Sartrianism-Marcusianism (I sort of kind of confused myself and ORWELL-ANGLO-FRANCO-GERMANO-ZIO-MAO-COMMO-USA-LOBOTOMISED myself OVER AND OVER, because back then, I couldn't separate the STRANDS), ANYWAY, given that, some roughly 30 years or whatever later, all I want to do - obviously I don't believe in World Proletarian Revolution and Communistic Paradise Anymore (I've done to myself a FULL-SPECTRUM DE-ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION, and, a FULL-SPECTRUM RE-HELLENISATION (= MY WRETCHED LIFE'S GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT!!!)) - is listen to a song I choose from my Collection of Selections, is watch a movie I choose from my Collection of Selections, is read an article or book I choose from my Collection of Selections, be with MY WOMAN when it is Time to be with MY WOMAN (because usually no couple in an excellent overall relationship can be together all of the Time ALWAYS), be with MY TRIBE and Fellow Tribal Warriors whenever I can or whenever I meet them ONLINE through historical recordings, documents, etc., and ALWAYS BE IN CHURCH.
Just because... (or: The FULL or partial SPECTRUM) (or: Playing Space Ball and Getting HIGH)
Just because J. F. C. Fuller was an "Organised Fascist" and an "Occultist" and wanted Hitler to win (which I personally don't and could never have wanted for the Sake of Greece and Russia (and Serbia) - and FOR ABSOLUTELY NO-ONE ELSE - FUCK OFF, SATAN!!!, DEATH TO SATAN!!!), and just because I did not (? - I can't remember) mention him, when I mentioned other important thinkers in the history of military and war theory, strategy, international relations etc., it does not mean at all that his writings are not worthy of SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. Because the simple truth is that Empirical Reality and its Description as well as its Explanation (Theorisation) DOES NOT GIVE ONE FUCK (not even a one quarter - Quarter-Back Space Ball - FUCK, about "Fascism", "Democracy", "Communism" or e.g. ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION of the FULL or partial SPECTRUM, or, whether you do or don't inhale, ingest
Let's not talk about PSYCHO-Pathologising and Psychology
Let's not talk about PSYCHO-Pathologising and Psychology, because there is no-one MORE PSYCHO from Birth than your Average ??? - HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - but Hitchock's Psycho (1960) - Love the Bernard Herrmann Film Score, it really GOES WELL with the Movie; Love: "A Psychiatrist doesn't lay the Groundwork, he merely tries to Explain it"; "From the Mother Half of Norman's Mind"; "Matricide is Probably the Most Unbearable Crime of ALL. Most Unbearable to the Son who Commits it"; "She was there! But she was a Corpse"; "He was never all Norman. But he was often only Mother"; "That set off the jealous Mother, AND MOTHER KILLED THE GIRL" (A-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!); = Crazy SHIT (OK, Mr. Hitchcock, if your Actors, say so!), and I wish we could see John ("And the $40,000, who got that?!!!") McIntire's face when we are told that Norman wasn't a Transvestite!!! (A-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). "He tried to be his Mother. And now he is"; "In Norman's case, the battle is OVER; and the Dominant Personality has won"; (answer to the McIntire Question:) "The Swamp. These were Crimes of Passion, not Profit" - is TREMENDOUS FUN, so let's leave the Pscyho-Pathologising of One Another AT THAT. Everyone has their Interests, Everyone Relates somehow to the Rationality of all Humans as opposed to non-human Animals, and, people have different levels of socialisation including re: specific, concrete circumstances, as well as all the (very) different life experiences, inherited and or learned temperaments, passions,... varying degrees, intensities and levels of psychological states and problems, etc., etc., etc.,... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abAsTTC9puk&temp-new-window-replacement=true)
I would never Tell (or: because P.K. was only ONCE)
I would never Tell an American, an Australian, a Chinese, an Indian (Hindu), a Jew, a Turk, a Black South African, a Saudi Arabian, an Egyptian, a Persian (Iranian), a Kurd, a Palestinian, a Bulldog, a Frog, et al., not to Defend their Country, not to Take Pride in their Country, not to Look with Fondness upon their Country's Achievements and Institutions and History and Myths, not to Support the Main Ideology/Ideologies of their Country,... BUT I would suggest... (absolutely strict and consistent) Science is another Matter Altogether, Science Requires another Temperament, Another Set of Skills (Skill Set),... AND if you want to Combine Strong Scientific Elements with Normative and Partisan Claims in favour of your Country, that could VERY WELL BE THE BEST that you'll EVER be able to DO (and obviously still VERY PRACTICAL),... because P.K. was only ONCE.
You See, You'll NEVER be able to Conquer (or: When the Body, the Flesh, the Fatherland, Home are Captive, the Spirit can Still Fight for, Find and Flourish in FREEDOM)
You See, You'll NEVER be able to Conquer Everyone with Propaganda, Brainwashing, Lobotomisation (let alone Make Everyone "Love" You). Even if you Rule for decades or centuries, Eventually Groups of MEN will form who want FREEDOM, and FREEDOM for THEM THEMSELVES AND THEIR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND TRIBE AND CULTURE AND MYTHS AND IDENTITY
Don't take this Personally, I find it rather Funny (and I don't give a FUCK what you think - PSYCHOPATH!) (or: Crossing Over to the Side of SATAN)
Don't take this Personally, I find it rather funny. When e.g. a ZIO-Satanist like ??????? ????? at The ?????????? ???? thinks she can tell ME what my Values and Anti-Values, what my Likes and Dislikes, who my Friends and my Foes, should be, and what I should be - THAT ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING, FILTHY, DESPICABLE, REPUGNANT, ULTRA-UGLY ZIO-COW-SATANIC-DUNG FILLED WITH ALL THAT ANTI-HELLENIC, ANTI-ROMAN ZIO-HATE, THE HORROR AND HORROR AND HORROR OF THE NON-STOP NEVER ENDING EVIL DEVIL ZIO-HATE ETC. - thinking, then I refer everyone (and the same applies to any Woman of my Tribe who has Crossed Over to the Side of SATAN)
to the Great Agnes Moorehead, and
"Ding Dong! The Witch is DEAD. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is DEAD.
Wake up you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is DEAD. She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is DEAD!"
[[And of course CURSES directed at specific persons are a Definite "No-No" because they are bound to, or very (more than) Likely to Come Back onto the Curser... whilst making a Wild Prophecy is FINE: "The Industrial Revolution Combined with Colonialism and Imperialism and "Unending-ROLLING" Expansion (of Populations, of Money, Usury, Inflation,...) was the Launching Pad for the Eventual Destruction of the Planet and the End of Humans ("The Human Race", "Homo Sapiens")."]]
The Return of the Dialogue with a Retard (or: Absolutely Strict Realism means that you CANNOT POSSIBLY EVER HAVE WHAT YOU MIGHT WANT SO YOU EITHER ADJUST TO REALITY OR YOU GO HERMIT):
A: If I were to ever waste my Time talking to a Retard like YOU, I'd just say from the Very Beginning that History PROVES that different people and different peoples have different World Views and Different Values - since the Historical Evidence is that the Content of such World Views and Values changes (not the Fundamental Thought Structures and Forms)... - they have changed considerably only in the SPAN of my own life, and so there's no point in talking, because we are NOT GOING TO AGREE about much or anything BECAUSE I am going to say that if Greece in 1989 was 97% relatively White and Orthodox or Atheist and Greece today is say less than 40% to 80+% (depending on the age group and place) relatively White and Orthodox and Atheist (I'm talking about all present residents of Greece - including INVADERS, OCCUPIERS, CONQUERORS, AGENTS, CRIMINALS), so that now I cannot Return to Greece to Live My Final Years in PEACE with MY ANCESTORS ("Crazy People" Live with Spirits), then that constitutes a form of TOTAL RACISM AGAINST GREEKS AND GREECE, whereas ISRAEL, or the area of ISRAEL, in going from something like 20% Jewish (I forget the exact figures now and can't be bothered looking them up again) to 70% or 80% and in some places 100% Jewish (ZIO), in less than 100 years (forgive me if I'm making any major factual errors), is a form of EXTREME RACISM against particular Palestinians, Arabs, et al., etc., AND, that Women not in the Home with Children are BEING SEXIST against MEN who according to NATURE should be the PROVIDERS and HEADS of HOUSEHOLDS whilst Women should be Mothers and Housewives SO THAT the Ethnos can be Re-Produced with a High Degree of Racial and or Ethnological and or Cultural Continuity without the "need" for INVADERS, AND, that all MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE, including Homosexuals, should be kept out of the Public Sphere - out of the Public Square, AND, that (nearly) ALL MOHAMMEDANS should be RECONQUISTA-EXPELLED from EUROPE and any other Historical Christian Lands ASAP, AND, that Blacks in Europe should be kept to no more than about 1 to 3% in accordance with European History macro-historically SEEN,...
R: (Very Angry) Wait a Minute THERE!
A: LOOK, I've said enough to YOU, I don't care what your Opinion or View is, YOU are obviously WAY MORE STUPID than me, and I have my books to read and translate and at the end of the day I am not engaged in The Political (even though some ideas passing through me might enter The Political one day - I DON'T know...), let alone POLITICS, and WE ALL KNOW - IF WE ARE NOT (ZIO-)BRAIN-DEAD - who wields GROSSLY DISPROPORTIONATE forms of Power in certain Countries, AND, I'LL FURTHER SAY AND ADD: Everyone should Abide by and Obey and FOLLOW THE LAW, because if we all get to pursue our separate World Views and separate Values in the Political Arena, then GOD HELP US... because The JUNGLE under that-those circumstance(s) won't be able to even accommodate AN APE, let alone THE APE(S).
Ἀκούω ὅτι «συμμετέχουμεν» ἀλλὰ (ἤ: εἰς τὸ σκότος ὁ βλέπων δὲν ἔχει ὄμμα)
Ἀκούω ὅτι «συμμετέχουμεν» ἀλλὰ ΔΕΝ παίρνουμεν ἀνταλλάγματα, ἀκούω ὅτι ἐπ' ἑκάστῃ εὐκαιρίᾳ ἐμφυλιοπολεμοῦμεν [[νεολογισμὸς]] ὁ εἷς τὸν ἄλλον μὲ μῖσος ἐμφυλιοπολεμικὸν μῖσος καθαρὸ μῖσος. Αὐτὰ ἀκούω. «Κυρ' Ἀγγέλω, καὶ ΚαραμανλικοΒασιλόφρων νὰ εἶσαι, καὶ ΚομμουνοΝεοΒενιζελικός, νὰ εἶμαι, Ἑλλάδα δὲν πρόκειται νὰ ξανὰ δοῦμεν». Καληνύχτα.
About to switch off the lights after our 4,000 year Journey (or: Your Turn is A-Coming TOO - even if it is in thousands of years (?) in the case of the Han and or the Hindu and or the Ape) (or: The Only Pitiable Pity)
About to switch off the lights after our 4,000 year Journey - apart from all the literature, philosophy, social theory and poetry, apart from all the songs, music, chants, liturgies, sculptures, architecture, ceramics and drawings, apart from all the folklore and THE LANGUAGE - THE LANGUAGE OF LANGUAGES - (you have no idea how much your language is BARBARIAN), we've got our Three-Headed International Relations-Geopolitical Monster and their Students - all great analysts at the best level the world has to offer (as far as I can tell), we've also got a few outstanding Theorists, Historians, Journalists and other Commentators, we have the very lovable Old Left and pro-NATO journalists and other analysts (who sort of try to see Eye-to-Eye, but often can't, but that's OK, they're good guys deep down - all of them), we have a Total Nutter Here or There providing Analyses as High Entertainment,... we DO HAVE a lot of GOOD BRAINS in our Tongue. And even if our Politicians are Pathetically Pathetic and even more Pathetic, and even if we all Disagree about who Exactly is The Satanic Circus Monkey and SATAN, the only Pitiable Pity Really is that we don't have any longer Our People.
He who really Loves his Country in Depth knows that Others really Love their Country in Depth, too.
Question: which country - c(a)eteris paribus - possibly, probably or (most) definitely has an advantage in Surviving Collectively in a State of Prolonged Crisis, a 98% approx. racially-culturally relatively homogeneous Japan or an Australia which has jettisoned its racial-ethnological-cultural core for the Sake of FULL-SPECTRUM ZIO-LOBOTOMISATION in which the Only Primary Meaning of Life is "Prosperity" (= ZIO-SUPER-PROFITS etc.) and of course Israel must never Open its Borders to Open Society Multi-Culturalism including SIX (6) million Black Africans (of the High IQ variety) and Brownish Mohammedans (of the Good-Looking variety)? (cf. the many issues raised in this: (https://vdare.com/articles/melting-pot-or-civil-war-too-late-u-s-already-in-civil-war-anti-white-left-has-no-reason-to-compromise?temp-new-window-replacement=true))
This bit is very difficult (or: If you can't HACK IT, FUCK OFF! Anyway, I definitely don't want to teach you, I definitely don't want to convince you, and I definitely don't want to be your friend (I already have the company I require until I die because I am already in my Tribe's EKKLESIA every day, every hour, every second, every moment, every breath. Death to SATAN!!!))
This bit is very difficult, but for us very few (are we even 10 on the whole of the planet?) Hitler is the same as Mandela, Stalin is the same as Luther King, Ivan is the same as Abraham, and Pol Pot is the same as Anne Frank, etc., etc., etc. (from the Scientific Point of View). What does that mean? That means that for Science (absolutely consistent non-normative-value(axiological)-free observation, saving the phenomena logically consistently based on the value or ascetic stance of doing the darn thing), EVERYTHING IS NEUTRAL, NOTHING IS PREFERRED, EVERYTHING IS AN OBJECT OF OBSERVATION, DESCRIPTION AND EXPLANATION (where and to the extent possible).
You see, we can (or: It's much more about Perspiration and Discipline and Decades of VERY HARD WORK, than "natural ability", "High IQ" or "Inspiration" (though the latter three might play their part, depending on the Person and the Situation))(or: This is directed to ALL SIDES and ALL GROUPS (no matter what the basic characteristics, attributes and features of every Group) of the Political (and Broader Social-Cultural) Spectrum)
You see, we can DISAGREE ABOUT NEARLY EVERYTHING or at least a HECK OF A LOT as far as VALUES, TASTES and FUNDAMENTAL WORLD VIEWS are concerned, but I told YOU"S" ALL, studying P.K. nice and slowly, and whilst putting in a lot of effort to discipline your own thought and to ask the right questions of yourselves and of others (if you're into conversations), will improve your thinking LIKE YOU COULDN'T BELIEVE, provided of course you invest the TIME, you take your TIME, and - above all - if you put in the EFFORT.
Brief Dialogue between P.K. and Sancho Panza (ME in Masquerade) in the After-Death LAND
S.P.: Hi there!
P.K.: (no response - just a smile)
S.P.: I hope you've noticed what my contributions have been - whilst translating YOU - to International Social Science!
P.K.: (silentium)
S.P.: I am really very PROUD of my achievements!
P.K.: (looking at S.P. with some - not too much - PITY)
S.P.: Well, just in case you've missed it, I've contributed to the World Social and Historical Sciences, the Humanities and to the Totality of WORLD Scientific Literature and Learned Letters, the concepts of:
Isn't that something worth being satisfied with after a whole life of Reading, Writing, Thinking and STUDY?
P.K.: I have to go now; there are too many interesting people here to talk to, so even if I get sick of Baruch, Karl or Max (and, trust me, I never get sick of talking to Baruch, Karl or Max, or to Werner C., Reinhart and Raymond, who can't stop laughing at you, they do think you are hilarious (to put it mildly)), there are literally dozens of others, and I still haven't found the Strength and Courage to approach Thucyd. and Aristot.. Goodbye then, Wise Guy.
S.P.: Oh, and by the way, I almost forgot, I've also contributed the concepts, inter alia, of: "THE SATANIC CIRCUS MONKEY", "FEMINO-FAGGOTISATION", "ZIO-OTHERISATION", "APE MAN" and "WHEN THE MEN ARRIVE"!!!
P.K.: (P.K. had already left the building)
(Super-)Exploitation (or: The Base of all, including today's, ZIO-USA-SATANIC Bullshit-Spinning-Superstructure (But do you Really have a Real, i.e. Achievable and Enforceable in the Real World, Alternative?))
Without it, no Money, no Wealth, no Power.
There's a passage in (or: God really does(n't) Exist) (or: The good ol' Jewish-Dutch, Dutch-Jewish, Jewish and or Dutch philosopher Spinoza is actually very difficult to read in Latin, and all I can do is recommend P.K.'s analysis of his thought in The European Enlightenment which shows how he got to where he got by presenting it in seemingly "another way" - i.e. another cunning (shrewd), but this time absolutely BRILLIANT, Jew (Hebrew)) (or: Montaigne and value relativism more often than not, or at least can, lead to a personal strengthening of "hyper-conservative" beliefs in the Person Admiring the Writings of the Man in the Tower of the Château)
There's a passage in - rather a long series of paragraphs - in The European Enlightenment in which P.K. analyses how Hobbes proved God did not exist by not explicitly saying that God did not exist. Once you've read and understand that (and if you don't read German, and if you don't read Greek, you may never get to read it, because I may never get around to translating it into my fifth-rate English), then EVERYTHING becomes clearer, you see the Light between the Clouds, you see the Truth between the Light and the Fight for Freedom